Sentences with phrase «to be dead wrong»

I am sorry to tell you that you would be dead wrong on that assumption.
The opposition parties say the time is dead wrong for those cuts.
Because today, I'm going to tell you that line of thinking is dead wrong.
The fact is, a lot of the stuff we hear about money from other people is dead wrong.
Real science doesn't cherry - pick one result that appears (incorrectly) to back up an outrageous claim, but ignore the overwhelming amount of evidence that this claim is dead wrong.
Anyone who thinks that in 25 years we will still have the same energy and transportation systems we have now is dead wrong....
Whoever said the sun makes you lazy was dead wrong.
The aforementioned editorial is dead wrong, of course.
Once you've mastered this stage, you will realize the conventional wisdom regarding the importance of breakfast is dead wrong (as conventional wisdom often is).
The challenge is that most assessment of creativity is dead wrong.
Some of that advice is fine, but a whole lot is dead wrong.
But I have a few bad ideas that will most likely be dead wrong.
It turns out the conventional wisdom is dead wrong.
Assuming graphical fidelity is the only thing preventing these games from being implemented on previous - gen hardware is dead wrong.
Your comment that more data does not improve the accuracy of the trend is dead wrong and does not follow from anything I wrote.
That said, there are plenty of times that tenants are dead wrong.
«If any lawyer says mediation is bad for business, that person is dead wrong,» he says.
We are, indeed, on the threshold of comprehending that the classical view of economics is dead wrong in many regards.
To us, and most Christians, Phelps is dead wrong because he is hurting innocent people, but many Christians would picket a gay pride march, and many others would picket a family planning clinic.
Well like I mentioned above, Ancel keys and the government were dead wrong when they linked saturated fats to a high risk of heart disease.
What began as a blog, a fun hobby I used as a creative outlet to help people, is now an entire community of people (95 % LADIES) who now understand that the diet industry and everything you've been taught about starving yourself to look good are dead wrong.
«Why 97 % Of All Bodybuilding Advice Is Dead Wrong
«Let me just make the point here that those who still think climate problems are off topic and not a major economic and financial issue are dead wrong,» he concludes in his quarterly outlook.
According to Adam Grant, that assumption is dead wrong.
Also, I'd like to add that due to ritualistic bathing and cleansing practices, Jesus would not have been dirty, so the author of this post is dead wrong.
I saw it in a blur as she passed in the parking lot; a thirtysomething with a young boy in tow, striding through the bitter winds of Kentucky to visit a place that proclaims those who deny the existence of God are dead wrong.
but then again you've been dead wrong all along on anything about the tax cuts and very deceitful.
In 2015, at a Heartland press conference criticizing the pope's environmentally oriented encyclical, Lehr said that the overwhelming consensus that global warming is real and is driven by fossil fuel emissions is dead wrong.
His arguments disintegrated in several instances because some of his statements were dead wrong.
«Why didn't the state just suck it up and say, «Look, the prosecution of this thing was dead wrong.
They may not all agree that 2014 is the warmest year, but they all agree completely that RSS is dead wrong on 2013 and 2104 — which just so happen to be ENSO neutral years.
«Candidates who take to social media to bash their former employers are dead wrong if they think their actions won't come back to bite them later,» says Michael Lan, senior resume consultant at Resume Writer Direct.
My clients would gasp and realize that everything they thought they knew about efficient markets was dead wrong — the news about this gap in performance had yet to reach the masses.
Jacquin, who first described the species as «chinense» in his work, Hortus botanicus vindobonensis, wrote, mysteriously, «I have taken the plant's name from its homeland,» which was dead wrong.
People close to the Clinton campaign say that while Warren might not wind up as the vice-presidential selection, Wall Street executives are dead wrong to think that it couldn't happen.
(For the record, a bunch of those ideas were dead wrong.)
And you oh godless one «Iam...» you will find out two things when you croak; Scott was dead wrong in his perceptions of Christ, along with his exclusionary version of the after - life, and YOU are waaay beyond wrong in stupidly assuming that there is no Christ or worse yet, there is no God.
«Neoconservatives are dead wrong in claiming that Niebuhr's anticommunist stance defines «Christian realism.»
Most Likely to Make You See it From a Different Angle: Dan Pallotta via TED with «The way we think about charity is dead wrong»
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