Sentences with phrase «to be defiant»

My 6 - year - old son is in trouble for being defiant in school, but we don't see any of this behavior at home.
I have worked with families to help create discipline strategies and coping mechanisms for children who are defiant or resistant to parental discipline.
He started being defiant at school and got in trouble with the police for petty vandalism.
How often do we worry when our kids are defiant with us?
Maybe he's not being defiant; he's just really focused on his ball skills and doesn't even hear you.
Apart from being defiant, they also get mad very easily.
There are defiant disorder treatment options, and licensed family and parenting counselors will be able to help.
What both states have in common are defiant responses to legislative measures that would limit collective bargaining rights for state workers.
If your child or teenager is defiant, they think of themselves as your equal.
Perhaps one of the biggest challenge parents face currently is the defiant or difficult behavior of their children.
The works are defiant yet elegant, fierce yet accepting and calm.
A child that is being defiant needs to reconnect with you and find his way back to calm.
She has decades of clinical experience working with young people who are defiant, physically / sexually aggressive, engaging in illegal behaviors and coming to the attention of authorities.
Almost always her response is to be defiant in some manner.
Many families report terrible conflict at home, such as disrespectful back - talk or kids being defiant and refusing to listen.
Apart from being defiant, they also get mad very easily.
As the work to keep their country safe, they must take on the challenge of a long - lost relative, Erik Killmonger (Jordan), who is defiant of the fact that Wakanda is a wealthy country with seemingly endless resources.
Is he defiant when things are too hectic or hurried?
Wenger has a contract until the summer of 2019, and having shown no indication of being willing to step away in the aftermath of the latest defeat, instead being defiant about his position, it remains to be seen what happens between now and the end of the campaign and whether it's enough to finally end his reign having been in charge since 1996.
Breaking free is a defiant act of rebellion.
I have often been defiant against helpful advice and support but was too prideful and rebellious to accept it and perhaps change my modus operandi.
Tranklements is straining to belong somewhere; in the process, it ends up sounding more like it wants to be defiant instead of inspired.
You will agree that a lot of young people — as well as oldsters — are drinking too much, and that behind their drinking is a defiant feeling that they are independent enough to drink.
Well, this is what Samsung wants because some people have been defiant with respect the directive that asked for the phone to be returned for a refund or exchange.
«Young people are defiant, noisy, hopeful, and positive by nature.
The conviction carries a potential 20 years in federal prison, but Shkreli was defiant, both outside the courthouse and reportedly on social media afterward.
«People think someone like me is doing well if they are only stuffing envelopes,» says Schuback, her voice a low warble even when her words are defiant.
The left hand is defiant and non-conformist.
A profound blow to this possibility has been forever dealt by the videocassette recorder, a technology whose diffusion and usage is defiant of public control».
Speaking after the game, the Spanish tactician was defiant in insisting his side were still in the tie, despite being fairly comfortably beaten by Liverpool in the end.
There's a fine line between defiance and disrespect, Henry Is defiant, Ibrahimovic and his boss, Mourinho are just disrespectful.
If PSG bid # 80m, it will go down to Stan... The board were inclined to accept offers above # 50m, but AW was defiant and Kroenke backed him.
Team News & Lineups: Sergio Aguero's omission for starting lineup against Barcelona caused all sorts of critcism but Guardiola is defiant in his stance.
However, Ramsey is defiant that Arsenal will eventually reclaim that prized place and insists that the Gunners» season will be termed as «successful» if they qualify for the Champions League and clinch the cup.
In his post-match interview though, LVG was defiant (some would say in denial).
However, despite falling to a 1 - 0 defeat at White Hart Lane, Bolton were defiant in defeat and their industrious attitude at the Lane almost resulted in a share of the spoils.
Murdoch says he did ask, but the editors were defiant.
After a speech yesterday, Mr Corbyn was defiant about his future and said he would stand again if Labour MPs brought about a leadership contest.
But the Foreign Office was defiant in response to his remarks, promising to «work closely» with any company affected to ensure the «practical implications for them are as few as possible».
The Brooklyn state senator has been defiant so far, accusing the burgeoning IDC opposition of racism and bigotry.
But Mr Osborne was defiant about suggestions his decision to unveil the Brexit Budget could cost him his job.
Jeremy is defiant, even slightly arrogant, and offers almost no vision in front of visibly angry and frustrated colleagues.
Meek has since been defiant about his chances in the upcoming election.
Dan Ware is defiant: «I will continue to fly the flags - I don't care who it pisses off.»
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