Sentences with phrase «to be detrimental to health»

This can be detrimental to the health of their feet over the long run.
They tend to have a somewhat lower glycemic index than sugar, but still need to be taken in moderation as they can be detrimental to health in large quantities.
But ignoring this crucial piece of your being does a huge disservice to your mind and body and can actually be detrimental to your health.
Along those same lines, processed and packaged foods are detrimental to your health too.
Unfortunately, this is a huge waste of money and can even be detrimental to your health.
We have always known sugar is detrimental to our health, but how can we grow past just sugar - free and improve our diets as a whole?
Not only is it detrimental to your health, it is full of unwanted calories and stocked with carbohydrates.
We now know that excessive screen time is detrimental to our health but spending more time in nature is good for us.
While we all know that the sugar in traditional sugar cookies is detrimental to our health, you can still get all of the flavor of homemade cookies with this fun lip scrub recipe.
There is little or no data that cardio performed at these levels is detrimental to your health.
While typical, refined table salt is detrimental to your health, rock and sea salts can add important nutrients to your diet and actually improve your health.
It's known that lack of exercise, bad food, cigarettes, and excess alcohol are detrimental to your health.
You should also avoid taking any sort of vaccines during pregnancy as they may be detrimental to the health of your baby.
Though under normal circumstances hamsters should never really need a bath, which can disrupt their natural oils and possibly be detrimental to their health, here are some methods of cleaning your hamster.
At that point, it may be worth letting a vet examine her to determine why she doesn't cycle and whether that might be detrimental to her health depending on the cause.
But it seems like that is awfully young to spay or neuter pups and kittens and could be detrimental to their health present and future.
After all, if it was as easy as just telling a patient that smoking is detrimental to their health, wouldn't they immediately quit?
An overweight person may have full knowledge that being overweight is detrimental to their health.
Obesity is an extremely common problem in pets and, as with humans, can be detrimental to the health of a dog or cat.
However, since there actually ARE different types of fat, believing in this myth could actually be detrimental to your health.
Relying on the pre-packaged, store bought plastic water bottle is not only devastating for the environment, but plastic bottles can also be detrimental to your health.
I do not suscribe to the idea promoted by Jeff Novick of nuts being detrimental to health.
Such diets are detrimental to health and lead to issues such as candida, blood sugar problems, fatigue and weight gain.
So you admit that it helps — why not go all the way by going on an ALL FOODS diet (not everything the Western Diet calls «food» is actually food by definition; if it was then rocks, asphalt and bleach would be considered «food» as well) and eliminating everything which you know is detrimental to your health?
As a Catholic from a young age, I understand the brainwashing effects of my earlier religion, however even though I choose not to practice / participate in Catholicism today, I don't necessarily believe for a second that those teachings were detrimental to my health, especially when compared to alcohol.
Soy oil is high in linoleic acid, also known as omega 6, which is detrimental to your health since it tips the omega - 6: omega - 3 ratio in favor of the far more common and easily accessible omega - 6.
Under CAN / CGSB -32.310 Section 6.7.2, can operators limit access to the outdoors to their entire herd / flock (such as goats, sheep, cattle, poultry) for the entire winter if the operator provides a letter from their veterinarian stating that access to the outdoors is detrimental to the health of the particular species of livestock?
Arsene Wenger this is so wicked of u, do u know how many people out there that can not survive this kind of disappointment.if u are tired of managing our club please make a space lets find a suitable replacement, how u intend to go through half a season with only two recognized central defender is beginning to believe those fans that's saying supporting Arsenalfc is detrimental to our health.
The recommendations Nestlé gives are detrimental to the health of infants because they are so vague that they could easily be misinterpreted and solid foods could be introduced well before six months.
But she notes that losing sleep is likely contributing to metabolic disregulation, at the very least: «I think we can pretty safely say, getting insufficient sleep is detrimental to your health,» including metabolic health.
(NaturalHealth365) It is no secret that sugary drinks, sweets, and other processed foods containing high fructose corn syrup are detrimental to your health.
Stress is detrimental to our health, and the cause of innumerous health problems.
This is a very controversial topic, but many nutritionists, holistic health organizations and holistically minded physicians, such as Dr. Mercola and the Weston Price foundation, believe that soy is detrimental to your health.
Just as a teenage girl consuming too many calories is detrimental to her health — according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 32 percent of children and teens are overweight or obese — so is consuming too few calories, as it stunts growth and development.
In the past, my diet has been very carb - laden which was detrimental to my health because I was suffering from candida overgrowth at the time.
The British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) has launched a new professional development platform for primary school teachers, in response to the results of research which shows that many teachers are getting little training in the area of nutrition; yet poor nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle is detrimental to health and academic performance.
Chronically elevated blood - glucose is what is detrimental to the health of the pet, not a short - term shortage of insulin.
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