Sentences with phrase «to be drops»

They close schools as soon as there is a drop in pupil numbers and then panic and say we need to open a new school because numbers are increasing again!
To keep from being dropped from the list, you're going to need to know what to say and be prepared to say it with style.
Drivers with tickets on their record can find themselves with much higher rates and even run the risk of being dropped by their insurance company.
It felt like being dropped into the ocean and all that I could do was kick as hard as I could and push myself forward.
Looking back at state enrollment data from 2010 - 2015, the report finds that the average enrollment change over that time was a drop of 7 percent.
He shouldn't be dropped for this clash, as the Blues need their captain on the pitch.
This prevents small dogs from being dropped on the ground and getting injured.
Depending on their color, they contain various items inside their bodies which are dropped as they are defeated.
When there's a drop in our levels of dopamine and serotonin — two brain chemicals that improve mood — we seek out high - carb junk foods to try to feel better.
Charges were dropped after the trial judge found the detective investigating the case had no objectively reasonable grounds to request a search warrant.
Dedicated fibre ensures there are no drop outs in speed throughout the day.
Actual employment growth is stable at a sluggish level but the unemployment rate is dropping like a rock.
My coolant level was dropping at about 500 a week id say, and one dose of this cured it.
This means that toddlers may often become distressed on separation from parents and carers when being dropped off at child care centres.
It might be better to have a stringent rule about when one is entitled to sue substantial numbers of people, or a requirement such suits can not be dropped by the plaintiff.
It really set the tone for the rest of her house, which was drop dead gorgeous!
Of the six drugs that were in phase II or III clinical trials in 2012, half have since been dropped because of either safety concerns or lack of effectiveness.
In these cases, prices are dropping in tandem with slowing sales.
And they will likely do little to stem a growing tide of angry users who are dropping off the social media site entirely.
Students start by using online drawing tools to create their own avatar, which is dropped into the template as the «star» of the strip.
Although the latter charge was dropped from the indictment, related evidence still played a factor in sentencing.
The nuclear bombs were dropped for political and military reasons.
Still I wished for more time for the characters to develop relationships between each other so you could give a damn one way or the other who was dropping out of the sky.
This is amplified when car insurance rates are dropping because some insurers will drop their rates faster than others.
This means demand for bonds is dropping so they raise the price for bonds to attract investors.
Early trailers and screenshots look rather promising, as players are dropped into fairly large maps for two different play modes announced so far.
I really want to start doing these more often, since a ton of great stuff is dropping onto on demand subscription services all the time.
What happened is we dropped points early and we're playing catch up the entire season.
Does your match seem to be dropping hints left, right and centre?
It wouldn't necessarily be that humanity gets eliminated; it could just be a drop in technology.
Being dropped back by my favorite yoga teacher had an element of risk to it, but it's nothing compared to dropping back on your own.
Players are tasked with creating a character from some very limited options before being dropped into the hub world that is instantly familiar to those with hunting RPG experience.
The name was dropped from the 98 series beginning with the 1958 model year.
When comparing how different balls bounce, think about the conditions you should keep the same, for example, the height the ball is dropped from and force used to drop the ball.
Has the level been dropping over hours, days, weeks of driving?
The cloud whales have the ability to absorb different liquids or small objects, such as water, oil, or nuts, which can then be dropped or shot at objects.
Yesterday was in the 60s, but this morning they're talking about the return of an icy rain mix and the temps are dropping again.
All he or she needs to do is drop by the car lot when payment is due.
But why was he dropped in the first place?
Companies are dropping retirees from their group medical insurance plans.
The good news is that 4K television prices are dropping faster than any category of electronics in recent history.
I am just not buying the premise that ebook sales are dropping.
The case was dropped after a third party was able to unlock the phone.
None of these people are dropping dead as far as I know.
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