Sentences with phrase «to be education secretary»

John King Jr., who was education secretary under President Barack Obama, called the proposal «an assault on the American Dream that would disproportionately harm the poor and children of color.
Otha Thornton, a former National PTA president, is backed by Arne Duncan, who was education secretary under President Barack Obama.
«We can't wait» was Education Secretary Arne Duncan's frequent refrain.

High on the list is Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, whose family invested $ 100...

Last year, when Gove was education secretary, the pair went to war over who was to blame for extremism in schools.
Mr White, a West Sussex head teacher who has co-ordinated letters sent to 2.5 million parents over school funding concerns, says that whoever is education secretary needs to make a priority of teacher supply and funding.
• Downing Street has said that Nicky Morgan will combine being equalities minister with being education secretary but that Nick Boles, the new skills minister, will take charge of equal marriage.
Clegg also accuses Gove — who was education secretary for the majority of the coalition government — of putting dogma ahead of the interests of pupils when he axed the Connexions careers advice service but refused to give schools instructions on how to compensate for it because he did not want to compromise their autonomy.
Head teachers say that whoever is education secretary needs to get to grips with school funding problems.
Morgan was education secretary from 2014 - 16 and is fighting to remain in place as Tory MP for Loughborough.
One of two former presidents of the Oxford union here (the other is Education Secretary Michael Gove) Hague became an MP in 1989, succeeding Nick Clegg's old boss Leon Brittan to win the seat of Richmond in North Yorkshire.
The then environment secretary David Miliband was promoted as a credible candidate but eventually announced his support for Gordon Brown, as did several other possible contenders including Alan Johnson and John Reid who at the time were education secretary and home secretary respectively.
First to respond on Twitter was education secretary Nicky Morgan who branded the advert «really shameful».
Nicky Morgan, who was education secretary at the time, said the government had raised the bar to a more «rigorous system» and that said she «knew» it was «asking more».
Never before has there been an Education Secretary so committed to the notion that all parents should be able to choose where their children go to school, whether that is a public school, charter school, or private school.
Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron has welcomed Kirsty Williams's plan to be education secretary in an otherwise all Labour Welsh Government.
Before Bill Bennett was Education Secretary he headed NEH so that was his background when he and NGA head Lamar Alexander launched the state / federal learning standards movement via «Project Education Reform: Time for Results» in the mid-1980s.
The 50 - 48 vote ended a months - long wait for Zais after President Donald Trump picked him to be Education Secretary Betsy...
«The crazy - quilt thing completely obfuscates the transparency that No Child Left Behind brought to bear,» said Margaret Spellings, who was education secretary under George W. Bush and now advises the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and others on education issues.
Nicky Morgan, who backed Michael Gove's leadership bid alongside most of her ministerial team, has been education secretary for almost two years.
A party spokesperson said that, while it was reasonable for politicians to have a say in the core national curriculum, the Lib Dems wanted to prevent a repeat of the «farcical situation» that existed when Michael Gove was education secretary.
Whoever is education secretary, they will have to work hard to deliver the most basic requirement of guaranteeing a school place for every child.
Hence Blunkett's attitude to schoolchildren when he was education secretary.
Just as you don't have to be a teacher to be an education secretary.
Mr. Riley said he would be active in advising the team of 12 lawyers — many of whom worked for him when he was education secretary under President Clinton from...
* Arne Duncan was the easily - confirmed appointee to be Education Secretary... obviously less fiery that New York City's Joel Klein (who clearly wanted the job but was thrown under the bus by the reform community he'd helped lead to prominence) but still much more reformy than progressives» pick, Linda Darling - Hammond.
Ever since our president - elect nominated school choice champion Betsy DeVos to be education secretary, there's been a vigorous debate amongst us education nerds about the proper way to think about school choice.
Fordham Institute president Mike Petrilli understands this and is correct when he makes the case that, «Actually, Betsy DeVos is perfectly qualified to be Education Secretary
The Liberal Democrats have launched a renewed attack on the government chief whip Michael Gove's record while he was education secretary, setting out plans to block «micro-interventions» by ministers by establishing an independent educational standards authority.
Chris Keates, general secretary of the NASUWT, said the changes - brought in under Michael Gove when he was education secretary - had been driven by «political imperative», rather than the needs of young people.
Accompanying them was Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, an ardent proponent of both charter schools?
With him is Education Secretary Arne Duncan.
He added: «It's not just the Al - Madinah School which is dysfunctional, it's the education secretary's free school policy.»
One year ago, because I believe presidents should have their cabinet in place in order to govern, I worked to confirm promptly President Obama's nomination of John King to be Education Secretary, even though I disagreed with him.
In light of the current administration's push for school choice in the form of vouchers and charter schools, and the selection of Betsy DeVos to be education secretary, -LSB-...]
Perhaps most important, being education secretary has given DeVos a national platform to mainstream her school choice ideas, which once were considered radical.
Betsy DeVos may be education secretary, but she has no mandate.
TURNER: That's Education Secretary Arne Duncan in a recent speech, and he says what made those lies possible was the one thing most of these state standards had in common: They were low.
Donald Trump has chosen conservative reformer Betsy DeVos to be his education secretary.
Will it be the Education Secretary, or rather her junior minister, Nick Gibb?
Prior to her nomination to be Education Secretary, Margaret Spellings worked for the Bush Administration as Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy.
He had a visceral hatred of careers advisers when he was Education Secretary.
Nonetheless it is the education secretary who teaching organisations, local councils and others are looking to for action.
Old Etonian digital director of Vote Leave and another senior figure from the Michael Gove camp: Zoete, 36, worked for four years as right - hand man to Gove when he was education secretary.
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