Sentences with phrase «to be embarrassed about»

Go along with your child's wishes about clothing styles so he won't be embarrassed about not fitting in.
Because, get a grip mama, we're only breastfeeding, not doing anything worthy of being embarrassed about!
Don't be embarrassed about seeking help through consumer credit counseling and debt consolidation services.
Read my posts on why you shouldn't be embarrassed about public breastfeeding and brilliant breastfeeding benefits.
What's embarrassing about using popular open source software to boost user experience?
There's nothing to be embarrassed about making money in dirty, unconventional, or blue collar ways.
Don't be embarrassed about getting help if you are struggling in the dating arena.
You never have to be embarrassed about going through this scene because the population of people doing the same is increasing each day.
I think it would have been a good way of seeing that everyone does it their own way and not to be embarrassed about anything at all.
Consequently, I am embarrassed to be embarrassed about nursing.
Do not be embarrassed about showing your emotions — veterinary staff expect you to be upset.
It would be completely over their head, and that's nothing to be embarrassed about at all — we were all there once.
You may feel very isolated and uncertain of what to do — you may also be embarrassed about discussing the problem and unsure where to turn for help.
My son, who gets frequent compliments on his curly hair but usually is embarrassed about them, quickly agreed that this is not a nice attitude.
Do not be embarrassed about buying maternity clothes early on.
Since some children are embarrassed about being bullied, parents need to let their children know that being bullied is not their fault.
You may be embarrassed about somebody noticing your red and flaky skin lesions.
Don't be embarrassed about putting your real job in fear that you would be instantly rejected by those that you try to approach.
I'm pretty sure that my wife loves fashion magazines but is embarrassed about reading them around me.
Teen drivers should be encouraged not to be embarrassed about driving under the recommended speed even when other vehicles seem to be passing them by.
Don't be embarrassed about writing a request for reference with this professional letter template.
Kids should never be embarrassed about seeking help whenever they need it.
They should be embarrassed about turning the low - producing hordes on an unsuspecting public.
Don't be embarrassed about being a high - priority patron.
First off... don't EVER be embarrassed about how you take your coffee... I can put you to SHAME of that one.
You will not have to worry about being embarrassed about your credit, many of the Buy Here Pay Here Car lots will not even check credit, and they do not concern themselves with what credit decisions you have made in the past.
I would put it on my Christmas list and not even be embarrassed about it.
And to me, that was a sign that Facebook is embarrassed about what it does for a living.
So what is embarrassing about adopting it as our mode of communication in our movies?»
It oozes style and is something no lady of taste would ever be embarrassed about pulling out of her purse.
Others I was working with were embarrassed about online dating and needed great pictures to counterbalance their already insecure feeling about searching for love online.
«Why would we as Canadians be embarrassed about adopting a policy that says these assets are important to our sense of nationhood, and we want there to be significant ownership by Canadians?»
Is it embarrassed about fleshy bits and pieces that it believes would not be there if it had the ideal body?
After explaining that it is practising Catholics, living in accord with the teaching of the Church and attending Sunday Mass every week who go to Communion, I added that there are always plenty of people who, for various reasons, can not receive Communion and so there is no need to be embarrassed about remaining in the bench.
If you truly a gooner you should be embarrassed about holding such views; if you are a Man U fan be ready for Arsenal's fire this time!
There is nothing to be embarrassed about after out 2 - 0 loss at Wembley, and we can look forward to the future we rate the players.
Our Party has long been embarrassed about its paucity of female MPs — if we fail to act properly now — we're unlikely improve our prospects with female (and male!)
David Cameron was serenaded by a musician who probably will not be voting for him, Nick Clegg was embarrassed about his looks, Tristram Hunt met a young UKIP supporter, and Ed Miliband played pool.
Cleanliness is always appreciated, of course, but there's no need to be embarrassed about needing work on any part of your body.
And really don't be embarrassed about venturing online to find it.
But where The Squid and the Whale is embarrassed about its bald / canny references to The Mother and the Whore, The Wild Child, and Saul Bellow's The Victim, The Weather Man goes to extraordinary pains to pummel two metaphors nearly to death to apply one (the unpredictability of the weather («It's wind, damnit!»)-RRB-
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