Sentences with phrase «to be folly»

Here again the root problem is the folly of trying to operate with Lockean principles in an unLockean world.
It would be folly for Canada not to plan for the worst.
For the word of the cross is folly [moria] to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God [I Cor.
Yet, there's folly in not looking toward the future with an eye to change.
He adds, «To ignore it, I think is folly
The whole thing was folly at best.
Gagosian Gallery, New York, London, Geneva, Hong Kong With the artist's most recent auction record, it would be a folly not to dig out the Jeff Koons.
«What is important at this stage is they recognise there's folly in the way they've approached this matter and that they embark on a consensual approach to make sure we strengthen democracy, not weaken it.»
Nonetheless, a moment's indecision at the table may convey a lot of information, which is folly if it helps your opponent and unethical if it helps your partner.
It would be folly now for friends of affordable energy to support an open, avowed, unvarnished energy tax.
poor atheists don't realize that true atheism wouldn't care since all life is folly, but the desire to «win over» shows their own doubt.
Theorists on demographics who take an extreme view might argue that attempts at remedying Africa's AIDS problem are folly, for they will guarantee that populations exceed the carrying capacity of the land.
Just looking at how much impact our current number of signing has had on the fluency of our play, signing more players would only be folly.
Many of these critics think passive investing is folly — only the warm embrace of active management can protect you and your portfolio.
If the future toward which we rush is folly, their solution is foolishness.
I know those are the four most dangerous words in the investing world, and ignoring history is folly.
Having untouchables within the squad while the team is still growing and getting a feel for tactics and each other is folly in my opinion.
Boy, to say there's no risk is folly: It's definitely a very competitive, dynamic market, with a new equilibrium forming between electronic sales and bricks - and - mortar.
For the time being, virtue is vice and prudence is folly
«But believing that this type of search will ferret out an entrepreneur intent on scamming the public is folly
He wanted to know how Bezos decided to shift Amazon from selling books to, well, everything when critics said the move was folly.
Too much leverage, and risk on unproven ideas is folly.
My father's observation of those would be «Where ignorance is bliss,» t is folly to be wise».
Faced with the reality of death, people choose to waste no further time talking about something they know deep inside is and has always been a folly of human existence.
To chase the wind is folly, they say, to try and tame it the very definition of futility.
And for you to deny proven science is a folly of the highest order and that folly will continue to lead this country down a tragic, educational path.
Every other philosophical style is folly, vainglory, or nihilistic spite.
concerns the eternal in a man to the point of changing it into something temporal, then this would be folly whether it be spoken by an old man or by a youth.
And all your pride and arrogance from your knowledge you like to parade on religious blogs and use to tear down a group of people you hate is folly to that intelligence.
Silence is wisdom where speaking is folly, and always safe.
I also believe that for a pastor to shield that teaching from his flock is folly, not because God needs His money back (He doesnâ $ ™ t), or the church needs to pay its bills (it does), but because there are distinct spiritual things that happen in the maturing of His followers when they understand, appreciate, and practice the principles and discipline of giving in this way.
Of course it is more pleasant for the players and the managers to be applauded than to be booed but to blame bad results on the fans is folly.
To re-engage Wenger last spring was a folly of titanic proportions which we dyed in the wool fans have to put up with and be dismayed by.
That using gross statistics is folly, and that context is needed.
Going into the season without SIGNIFICANT quality additions is folly.
But dumping the blame on Wenger's doorstep is folly, he went with a pairing of his two most talented defenders gambling on their individual abilities rather than considering the «form» Mert was in or the understanding he has with both Verm and Kos.
We have no means of treating it and hoping that the moss and weeds just decide to retreat is folly.
But making up a story is folly, say experts.
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