Sentences with phrase «to be good citizens»

This is a good day to invite school partners, they can talk with students about their dreams and see how they have grown up to be the good citizens of community.
This is a great way to engage students in being good citizens in their community and spreading positivity!
They can not be good citizens because good citizens are able to give a compelling account in defense of the regime of which they are part.
But regardless of your dog's personality type you want her to be a good citizen who is always welcome to share your space.
What a great way to focus on being a good citizen and thinking of others!
I've always believed — even from lecture one in business school — that good businesses are good citizens, so we've always contributed a significant part of our income to philanthropic causes.
I thought that being a good citizen included not being a drag to society, which means being prepared to work and doing the best you can to support yourself.
Those who want to just be good citizens - fine with me.
I certainly hope that being a good citizen does not get in the way of being a good worker or a good parent.
This certificate shows that your dog is a good citizen.
Why not try being good citizens and helping out instead of judging all of us that think you are all crazy.
In keeping with this we should be good citizens respecting the rights of others.
Children were taught to be good citizens beside reading and such.
Training teaches your dog to be a good citizen in public, not just at home.
«I try to be a good citizen when it comes to beekeeping,» she said, such as making sure the bees aren't especially aggravated when she opens their hives.
It is to misunderstand the latter to suppose that the Reformers thought an unconverted man could perform no moral act, such as being a good citizen or a kind father; what they meant was that man's nature was corrupted by a pervasive self - will and self - centeredness which made even his good acts sinful.
Such people are the best citizens not despite but because their loyalty to the civitas is qualified by a higher loyalty....
A puppy needs constant supervision, training, socials and daily exercise to learn and grow up to be a good citizen adult dog.
Evan — Then the problem appears to be discerning what your god ACTUALLY wants and using that to determine how to be a good citizen while following what your god wants.
Many have a vision of a time when Americans were good citizens who went to church, when fathers went to work every day, mothers stayed home and took care of the children, and children obeyed their parents.
If Tanner is saying that a Garrett guy is a good citizen and is willing to put the hours into his craft, why on earth is that a bad thing?
In short, it's a lasting reminder of how we can all be good citizens and it's a good example for the children.»
The SPCA of Northern Nevada believes its mission includes being a good citizen creating positive impact community - wide.
Their canine etiquette program — a happy dog also means a happy dog owner — covers not only being a good citizen in the home, but also helps you and your dog when you are out in public enjoying long walks in the park or roaming down a crowded street.
Non-territorial, asymmetrical, non-contractual, and couched in obligation, such ecological citizenship bets its stakes on the embracing of virtue, the virtue that dictates that being a good citizen means being a minimal impactor (for one use of this new term, see The Impactors).
The only other answer I can think of, is to help enable people to be better citizens through simple clarity, accuracy and honesty in describing what the energy system is all about and what is required to change it.
«They could instead be working with the solar industry and helping solar customers be better citizens of the grid.»
More importantly, I would not be a good citizen if I followed the example of the short sale process and offered my client lackadaisical and «I will get to it when I get to it» service.
From a character education perspective, individual plans should be monitored closely so that as students begin to gain control of their emotions and find more appropriate means for communication, reinforcement moves away from extrinsic rewards and towards social rewards, ultimately emphasizing students» intrinsic satisfaction in being a good citizen of the school and classroom.
and congratulations on being a good citizen, i'm sorry if i impied otherwise... but bragging about sinning everyday didn't conjure up thoughts of eating seafood
Ecco the Eagle teaches students about being good citizens that are proud of their country.
PK I've always believed — even from lecture one in business school — that good businesses are good citizens, so we've always contributed a significant part of our income to philanthropic causes.
I do not want to keep you waiting for Richard's answer: Atheists can be citizens, but they can not be good citizens.
«Most corporate executives in this period, when prosperity was widely shared, thought we could make a profit, and we can take care of the workers, and we want to make great products for the customers, and we want to be fair to our suppliers, and we want to be good citizens to the community,» says Richard Sylla, an economic historian at the New York University Stern School of Business.
«Truthfully, I've been doing that for at least the last 30 years as a private citizen because I believe joining the conversation is part of being a good citizen.
So I think everyone in the company wants to say I like this place, it does good things, it's a good citizen where we do business.
If corporations can be people, can they be good citizens?
They do a very good job of educating troubled young people to be good citizens, and they're probably more successful than charter schools.»
Yes, I think Tim Cook will be conforming to the agenda of guiding a tech company powerhouse, being a good citizen that pays his taxes, watching over his employees with fairness and impartiality, and ensuring the inventive community spirit of Apple continues.
People don't really know their neighbors and reputation offers far less incentive to be a good citizen.
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