Sentences with phrase «to be harmful to children»

In addition, this segregation is harmful to all children who will need the skills and experiences to live and work in a multicultural nation.
And how do we know whether a particular baby shampoo contains chemicals that can be harmful to children in the long run?
One of her core beliefs is that public school can actually be harmful to children, contributing to early sexual activity and exposing kids to gang violence and drugs.
The court will agree to the provisions in the parenting plan unless the agreement is not reached voluntarily or the parenting plan is harmful to the child.
These episodes are obviously frightening to witness, but they won't be harmful to your child.
In these states, sole legal custody is awarded only if a parent shows that joint legal custody is harmful to the child.
Even low levels of lead are harmful to children and pregnant mothers.
Sounds like religious adults are harmful to children and other living things.
At the same time, to truly protect our kids, moms must often confront a culture that in many ways is harmful to children.
The toddler activity table should never be made of materials that can be harmful to your children such as lead paint.
Many parents are especially hesitant to use chemical products, as some of their active ingredients are harmful to children and infants.
Sitting in a chair too long is harmful to a child's brain and physical development.
Write to your local newspaper explaining why you feel high - stakes testing is harmful to our children.
In sum, you must demonstrate that not granting you full custody would somehow be harmful to the child.
Conflict between parents can be harmful to children during a divorce.
Most courts would generally first establish that your relationship and your living arrangement are harmful to your children, but you can't count on this.
This is followed by a review that determines whether the move is harmful to the child's best interests.
Stress is harmful to a child's happiness, and the less anxiety you throw into their lives the better.
In addition, supplementation is not only unnecessary but can be harmful to children who don't need it.
An assessment showed that switching custody could be harmful to the child in the short term, and there would be risk to the child involved.
The court will agree to the provisions in the parenting plan unless the agreement is not reached voluntarily or the parenting plan is harmful to the child.
Corn Syrup, Sugar, Brown Rice Syrup, Maltodextrin are common suspects found in standard formulas which are harmful to your child's health.
When Benjamin Spock, M.D., was starting out in pediatrics, he didn't believe that on - screen violence was harmful to children.
Public shaming, berating, and threats are harmful to children's development, and research tells us that they are ineffective.
He was clear he was not saying that raising a child in accordance with Chareidi community was harmful to a child.
Obama instead issued a veiled warning to Republicans that their efforts to obstruct the upcoming rules and other climate programs could be portrayed as being harmful to children.
There is no conclusive proof that BPA is harmful to children, but it's understandable why parents would want to avoid the potential risk.
There are a ton of different technological toys out there, and parent have the hard task of trying to figure out which ones are harmful to their child's psyche and which ones will actually be healthy for their child to play with.
Most researchers believe that any alienation of a child against (the child's) other parent is harmful to the child and to the target parent.
Hitting a child as a form of punishment is harmful to a child's physical, emotional and mental health development.
As has been chronicled by nutrition, hunger, medical, national security, education and community organizations across the country, the bill is harmful to children's health, heaps administrative costs on schools, and plans to bury parents in more bureaucratic red tape, all while subsidizing well - off children at the expense of our less fortunate kids who need help.
A decade ago researchers and lawmakers agreed that lead, another heavy metal, was harmful to children at levels one - sixth as high as previously recognized.
Wendy, I would love to see a compilation piece, reviewing all of the researched reasons why these reform policies are harmful to children and do not meet government or health guidelines.
«Warning: The Common Core Standards May Be Harmful to Children
After last week's investigation following criticism of Star Wars Battlefront 2, the Commission rules that loot boxes are harmful to children, VTM reports
We found out that the episode would try to disprove that videogames were harmful to children.
The reason for the plastic screen according to Nintendo — is to avoid the screen to shatter into pieces when the console slips out of the hands — and could then potentially be harmful to children.
The California court ruled that the paint companies knew that what they were selling was harmful to children.
«A growing body of research demonstrates that excessive use of digital devices and social media is harmful to children and teens, making it very likely this new app will undermine children's healthy development, the letter reads.
A grandparent must prove that the custodial parent's actions are harmful to the child's mental, physical, or emotional health.
This approach is harmful to the child because the parents give in to the child's demands and are tolerant of their misbehavior.
But then in the 1980s, psychologists (Wallerstein and Kelly, 1980; Hetherington, 1982) began producing evidence that divorce among middle - class families was harmful to children.
«While one parent's alienation of a child from the other parent is an act inconsistent with the best interests of the child (see Zafran v. Zafran, 28 A.D. 3d 753, 755, 814 N.Y.S. 2d 669), here, the children's bond to the alienating parent is so strong that a change of custody would be harmful to the children without extraordinary efforts by both parents and extensive therapeutic, psy - chological intervention.»
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