Sentences with phrase «to be high in sugar»

Sadly, most «Child - Friendly» foods are high in sugar, salt and fat.
You obviously should not mix your vodka with orange juice as orange juice is high in sugar and carbs.
Now instead of buying milk with her lunch, my daughter is opting for water or juice which is higher in sugar because she no longer enjoys drinking the milk.
Of course, dates are high in sugar, so should be eaten in moderation, especially if you have diabetes.
But they can also run the risk of being high in sugar and low in protein and good fats if not made with the right ingredients.
Many low fat food products are high in sugar or high fructose corn syrup.
Commercial rice milk is high in sugar and low in nutrition with little to no protein or fats to stabilize the blood sugar.
Avoid junk food or foods that are high in the sugar content.
Chocolate is high in sugar and eating processed sugar leads to inflammation and the risk of increasing the potential for acne and other inflammatory conditions like heart disease or diabetes.
Just be careful, as some granola brands are high in sugar.
Breakfast cereals can be a good source of carbohydrates and fibre, but they can also be high in sugars and salt.
If I'm correct I don't think you can even have fruits that are high in sugar such as dates.
Many gluten - free breads are high in sugar (to make up for the taste and texture change from normal bread).
It uses a cartoon character to appeal to children and is advertised as being «wholesome» and «a great start to the day» despite being high in sugar.
One of the most well known and most readily available probiotic foods, many varieties of store - bought yogurt are high in sugar and not very potent in probiotic content.
In addition, carrots are high in sugar and can cause tooth decay which will in turn affect the overall state of health of a bun.
This dish is high in sugar, fat and calories — and it's worth every bite.
These fruits and vegetables are high in sugar and can contribute to the development of diabetes, which is common in the dwarf species.
For instance, they might provide a pasta dish, but it likely won't be whole wheat, and the sauce will very likely be high in sugar, fat, or sodium.
Most sports drinks are high in sugar that may upset your stomach; coconut water, on the other hand, offers a nutty flavor with less sugar.
In fact, when young children are left to choose food for themselves, the choices will always be high in sugar, fat or salt.
Bars that have a yogurt or chocolate coating or drizzle are higher in sugar.
These additives are high in sugar, highly processed and will create a spike in blood sugar and can certainly lead to weight gain.
For example, ice cream is high in sugar, but it has a lower glycemic index than a baked potato.
Most muffins are high in sugar and refined carbs and low in nutrition.
Because some varieties are higher in sugar, fruit is a little more complex than vegetables and other foods.
[It] actually identified grain products [bearing the stamp] were higher in both sugars and calories than products without the stamp.
Baked goods You probably already know this, but most baked goods are high in sugar and calories and don't offer much nutrition, even when they're home - made.
For example, fruit is high in the sugar fructose, yet most fruits are very low GI carbs.
A lot of breakfast options are high in sugar, so swap your boxed breakfast cereal and jam on toast for one of these healthy food swaps instead.
Snack and «quick» foods like meat pies are high in sugar, salt and fat — and almost devoid of potassium.
Most smoothies you'd buy in stores or shops are high in sugar and low in protein, so your best bet is to make your own.
Her diet before her heart attack was high in sugars / carbohydrate.
Some commercial treats are high in sugar, which isn't good for any hamster.
Just don't let him put his nose in a can of pie filling, as canned filling is high in sugars and not suitable for your dog to consume.
Because blueberries are higher in sugar and calories than standard rabbit food, they can contribute to weight gain if given in excess.
Also use caution when drinking plain veggie juice on an empty stomach particularly if it is heavy on carrot juice which is high in sugars.
Keep the portion size small since fruit is high in sugar; a small wedge of orange or apple, several blueberries, or a thin slice of banana is perfectly adequate.
«These foods are high in sugar, which means your body burns off the sugar first rather than the stored fat,» he says.
I leave the fruit juice alone and eat whole fruit, as the juice is high in sugar.
Regular almond milk is high in sugar, which is why I stopped buying it.
But remember that many chocolate brands are high in sugar, calories and unhealthy saturated fats, so buyer beware.
Many gluten - free breads are high in sugar (to make up for the taste and texture change from normal bread).
Dr. Lustig rightfully argues that sugar used to be available to our ancestors only as fruit or honey — and then only for a few months of the year — compared to today, when sugar (primarily in the form of high fructose corn syrup) is added to virtually all processed foods and drinks; even items you normally would not think of as being high in sugar.
Pineapples are high in sugar so feed your dog fresh pineapple in moderation, no more than one or two pieces at a time, and watch for your dog's reaction, as pineapple can cause gas or diarrhea.
What I will say in terms of fruit consumption is that you want to be a bit more portion - focused with the fruits that are higher in sugar like mangos, bananas and pineapples.
Many supplements in the market are high in sugar, and this can be pro-inflammatory.
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