Sentences with phrase «to be honest about that»

I'm done with you, I have no time or respect for people who can not be honest about what they're saying.
And because of that, you will likely spend hours chatting with curvy singles who aren't being honest about who they are or what they look like.
Now, lets be honest about another topic: stripes.
People are fairly conscious of when someone is just trying to make them feel better, so be honest about why the opportunity doesn't work for you.
A friend of mine, who has a 2 - week - old, thanked me for being honest about how much the first few weeks can suck.
Either way, states and school districts should at least be honest about what a diploma means.
«Why can't modern men and women not just be honest about what we want and what we have to offer,» asks the site.
I've expressed my personal opinion, which I will always be honest about if asked.
Don't be afraid of being honest about whether you think you can meet their deadlines.
Maybe it is not a matter of wrong vs. right, but only a matter of being honest about what you are doing when you travel to other countries?
I will start off by being honest about something.
So be honest about how you feel, if you are afraid or scared be aware that the other side is scared as well.
Remember, this is just for one week - you don't have to do this for the rest of your life so be honest about everything you eat!
There's no harm in being honest about interviewing with other companies either.
When using online dating its important to really be honest about who you are.
We must also be honest about the positives it brings.
Is the state being honest about which schools need to take steps to improve for one or more student groups?
We believe you can be passionate about a game company while being honest about reality and without being blind to their faults.
Using the example above, the wife may start being honest about what she needs for a fulfilling romantic relationship.
Being a resource for first time buyers means being honest about what lies ahead for them.
If you want a girlfriend, be honest about wanting one.
However, that is not going to change or affect this review, as I will still be honest about the game.
Should respect me and be able to be honest about anything no matter how difficult the situation.
Please be honest about your dog and tell us both the good and bad about him / her!
If all you want is to have someone to make love to tonight then be honest about that.
I wouldn't be honest about all the contents I'll carry in my bag without mentioning my real addiction to fashion magazines.
If the employer is going to toss your application in the trash anyway, you might as well be honest about your past.
The first step involves being honest about what you did to lose the trust.
If your child takes responsibility for his actions and is honest about mistakes, they should be allowed a little more freedom and privacy.
Also its so refreshing to hear someone being honest about their decorating or lack thereof.
If partners are honest about the answer to that question, they may find that they are in the 40 — 50 % range.
The point, I suppose, is that firms & lawyers be honest about expectations.
When lawyers are honest about their intentions and expectations, clients and potential clients will generally respond favorably to questions.
But like all things with motherhood, it's helpful to be honest about breastfeeding.
Then, by trying to be honest about funding social care — the «how we would pay for it» — we lost a lot of our core vote.
As men, people like me need to look at ourselves and be honest about times where we might have crossed a line — and make sure it never happens again.
But the people who are pushing for congregations to shoulder more of the burden of urban development need to be honest about church realities and capacities.
I still feel that the vast majority of scientists are honest about what they do and that fraud is rare.
When everyone is honest about what they are looking for, everyone wins.
It is vital that whoever is educating students is honest about their knowledge of the digital world and understands the needs of students and the world they are living in online.
We help couples be honest about the habits they've perhaps developed together that are unhealthy.
This would be a useful statistic to show that the government is honest about the spin it puts on the legislation.
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