Sentences with phrase «to be in one's early stages»

However, he declined to comment on the details of the model and specs of the first N car which is in its early stage of development.
These can be a great way to get to know others who are in the early stages of home educating.
The company, which is in the early stages of raising funding, makes the software that allows people to manage a fleet of drones.
Many of these companies are in their early stages of development and have not yet been realized by the overall market.
ICO investing is so profitable because projects are in their earliest stage and haven't proven themselves yet.
The research is in early stages, but the results of this study give researchers hope of finding therapies for these patients.
The investigation is in early stages and so they are gathering information.
It's very slow and minimal and only for new power plants, and everything is in the early stages on existing power plants.
Development work was in the early stages, but major changes at that point can still blow the budget for a vehicle program and risk delaying the launch.
That said, if the oil market is in the early stages of recovering, then this week's sell - off could soon be a distant memory.
Since your product or technology may still be in the early stages of development, the investor is actually investing in you, and your previous achievements, as much as your current startup.
While the impact investing industry is in an early stage of development, it is poised for growth.
Most districts and states are in the early stages of developing and implementing assessment models that include all students.
All educators and schools deserve this, but most state systems are in the early stages of doing this better.
Although most of these initiatives are in the early stages, some are beginning to rack up impressive results.
The parasite can be in an early stage where it's pretty small or in a later stage where it's a lot bigger.
I think my dog is in the early stages of arthritis, off to the vets next week.
If your cat is in the early stages of heat stroke, you can begin treatment at home.
Some bugs do prevail as the feature is in its early stages but the developers are already working on it and they should be ready with the final production in a couple of weeks.
The service is in early stages, and will be linked to an ad - supported music video platform as well.
AI - enabled research tools are in early stages of technological maturity, adoption, and use.
The global economy is in the earliest stages of a shift from a transaction economy toward a subscription one.
Several banks are in the early stages of adding artificial intelligence software to complement in - person interviews and other traditional hiring processes.
One bamboo - producing county now offers financial incentives to growers willing to cut back on fertilizer and protect biodiversity, but such efforts are in their early stages.
When couples are in the early stages of relationship, their brains produce large doses of certain chemicals and hormones that make sex frequent and passionate.
Data and information captured for this first report is limited, since programs were in the early stages of enrolling families.
The medical community is in the early stages of what can be found in the genome.
But business owners whose companies and families are in the early stages may not need to ante up... yet... for a pricey consultation.
We work on projects whose concepts are in the earliest stages of development, through to those that are being exploited as full - fledged technologies and products.
The federal court is in the early stages of developing a new and comprehensive website that will be easily accessible to all citizens.
While it's true that the sales function is in the early stages of moving from automation to true intelligence, it's clear that the next wave of sales technology is here.
Looking at the financing rounds in industries, most sectors were in their early stages.
Imagine not being able to figure it out as a child, when it could be said you are still innocent and intellectual reasoning is in its early stages.
By week 5 your babies central nervous system, muscles and bones are in the early stages of development.
Many upstate medical centers and health department nurses are in the early stages of negotiating new contracts with hospital management.
The hospital is in the early stages of plans to make real tissue with a 3D printer.
The technique is in an early stage of development and will require more research before potential applications in humans are explored.
He also noted that there are other genomic tests on the market and that physicians are in the early stages of learning how to use them.
When I started out, the whole biomedical enterprise was in the early stages of a huge expansion.
While there is great potential for deep and intentional collaboration, coordination between the multiple stakeholders is in the early stages.
Both drivers were in the early stages of their second tours in their cars one quarter of the way through the annual French classic.
Both of these concept devices are in their early stages and are expected by the end of 2016.
In most cases, the best time to get a pre-approved mortgage is in the early stages of the house hunting process.
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