Sentences with phrase «to be inquisitive»

The forward position is great with older children who are inquisitive about their surroundings.
The reporter job is for those who are inquisitive by nature.
Because cats are inquisitive by nature, a treasure hunt would appeal to their inherent instincts.
Many cats are inquisitive by nature and love boxes of all kinds.
Chilton has always been an inquisitive and enterprising sort.
Initially, I was shocked but being an inquisitive person I readily asked him what is it all about.
In addition, ferrets are inquisitive creatures by nature and frequently ingest objects they shouldn't.
In addition, this person is willing to switch it up and venture into unfamiliar territory, demonstrating the aforementioned soft trait of being inquisitive, which as we know, will benefit any business.
Kids are inquisitive by nature, and many of the standards support research and exploration.
Avoid the mistakes of not being inquisitive, being pushy for leads, or forgetting to say «thank you.»
Furthermore, if you can emphasise on your CV that you have the soft skills needed to pick up new concepts quickly, such as being an inquisitive and diligent fast learner, this will help your application.
Ferrets are inquisitive animals and, as pets, they have an amazing capacity for learning.
Megan is an inquisitive nutrition and wellness writer harboring an editorial love affair with the decadent and the nutritious.
Megan is an inquisitive nutrition and wellness writer harboring an editorial love affair with the decadent and the nutritious.
Toddlers are inquisitive of their bodies, from the names of the parts to their functions.
Still, there's a fine line between being inquisitive and nosy.
Miniature Fox Terriers are inquisitive, bold, and fearless.
- Safely store household cleaning products, remember puppies are inquisitive little things!
Pocket Beagles are inquisitive and natural explorers, therefore, it is not recommended to leave them unattended for long periods of time.
These birds are inquisitive and have strong beaks, so they should always be supervised when outside of the cage to prevent accidents.
Kittens are inquisitive and may eat hazardous objects - make sure to kitten proof your home so your new friend stays safe.
Ability to Listen Be inquisitive in every conversation you have.
Auditors are inquisitive, methodical and great with people.
4 year olds are inquisitive and independent, and are learning at a rapid pace.
These can still harm the little fingers or allow the drawer to be inquisitive open with a narrow tool.
Make sure all electric cords are well out of reach of your babyâ $ ™ s inquisitive hands.
And if you do come across a punter, it's likely to be an inquisitive local rather than someone who travelled there on purpose.
From a young age, Jane was inquisitive about the natural world.
As for the more general fashion - oriented articles on my site, overarching trends and issues in the industry often inspire me, such as why has London been such a hot bed for young talent over the past decade or what is the core objective of designer collaborations beyond the surface goal of selling the specific collection, these come from just being in the industry, I suppose, and being inquisitive beyond the most obvious trends, such as red for Fall / Winter 2015.
«Manny» (Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter franchise) is an inquisitive persona to which Hank feels the need to educate about the world.
The only person who manages to get close to Elizabeth is an inquisitive male escort with a heart of gold (Jake Lacy) who gets her to say that she chose to forgo a simpler life with kids and family and whatnot for her job.
Sidonie remains the constant throughout Farewell, My Queen, but she moves from being the inquisitive observer to a participant in a supposedly forbidden love affair.
Aiding the felon wanted for murder (and on the run from bounty hunters) are inquisitive teenage best friends Ellis and Neckbone.
I cant teach people how to be inquisitive ~ nurturing ~ collegial ~ or self - reflective.
Oscar is an inquisitive, charming 5th grader who loves baseball, music, and computers.
Koi are inquisitive, hungry creatures that will investigate any new pond presence pretty much straight away!
Her long, foxy brush tail moves constantly, and her expression is inquisitive, alert and rather serious.
Once established, a citron cockatoo is inquisitive and affectionate, and it will want to be by your side as often as possible.
You should be able to provide your pet with enough room to be active, as this breed is inquisitive and energetic.
The Shorkie, like its Yorkie parent, is an inquisitive fellow who loves to sniff whatever's around it.
By nature hamsters are inquisitive and like to explore anything and everything they can get into.
Pets are inquisitive creatures that enjoy exploring their environment, and since they can't use their hands, they do this with their mouths.
Rabbits are an inquisitive bunch and love to check everything out.
Mice are inquisitive and friendly pocket sized pets.
Because most pets are inquisitive and playful creatures, it can be difficult to protect them from harm all the time.
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