Sentences with phrase «to be loyal to»

Think about how our actions might convince players NOT to join, how we turn on people who was loyal to us... Like a pack of animals!
But have we not as a club paid too high a price for being loyal to players who simply don't warrant holding down a roster spot as a result of injuries?
I'm curious as to whether he thinks that that's ever an accurate description of why people are loyal to one another.
And so there's different country versions and it still didn't be loyal to the version number.
This is better for people who don't use a specific airline or look for the cheapest hotel price instead of being loyal to one brand.
Many customers are loyal to one specific brand for a number of reasons.
Enough is enough — there is no point in being loyal to players who are not loyal to the club.
As I'm posting these links today, I can't help but think about the research on whether those who purchase digital books are loyal to specific vendors and formats.
But there are times when being loyal to the status quo acts directly against necessary change for the better.
Next, do a qualitative study on just a certain group of customers or clients, especially those who you know are loyal to your brand.
You will immediately discover whether buyers are loyal to other practitioners.
A person should stop being loyal to someone if it involves an implication of agreement with evil deeds.
I want to keep up a dialogue between past and present by being loyal to what painting has been but at the same time questioning it.
These bonuses should be taken advantage of, and they may even influence your decision in being loyal to their site.
This dog is loyal to his family and can be a little protective of children so early socialization is recommended.
Kids can be loyal to certain stores and you'll probably want to visit one of those stores for your child's backpack.
I'm an independent guy who is loyal to family and friends and surround myself with positive people, Am 46 yrs old.
In doing so, they will gain the freedom they want while being loyal to their husband and kids which they still consider as their primary purpose.
African American girls are loyal to love and relationship.
You might assume that after being loyal to the same auto insurer for years, you would be rewarded for your loyalty.
I still am loyal to my chocolate and peanut butter couple, on the other hand.
This is probably my last year being loyal to AA.
We'll definitely be loyal to this dealership and return in the future.
This girl is loyal to a fault, and just wants to be the BEST puppy you could ever have.
A transactional agent is loyal to the transaction & doesn't necessarily represent you.
We are good at being loyal to our players and giving them opportunities to succeed.
Does it make sense to punish me for being loyal to party leaders?
The lovable pets are loyal to their owners and are easy to train, making them the perfect pet to purchase or adopt.
There were other customers who couldn't increase their spending and yet were loyal to the core.
We all have faith and are loyal to something in our lives.
During the Soviet era, the church leadership had mostly been loyal to the state, incorporated into the Soviet establishment.
Workers are more likely to be loyal to employers who invest in their advancement, ensuring lower turnover.
Some of us are brand loyal, while others are loyal to whatever is on sale.
The immune system is loyal to cells in the body, but how this works is not fully understood.
German men have strong family values are loyal to their wives and make caring and reliable husbands.
In this instance being loyal to your financial backers has to take a back seat to the legal rights of the common man or woman to be protected from abusive attacks.
Readers will be loyal to authors who are focused on providing them the most value for money.
If those workers were loyal to the companies they worked for, they could receive a check for life when they finally retired.
White German Shepherds are loyal to the core, and will even risk their own life to protect their human owner and family.
Over 50 % of rewards members worldwide are loyal to a single brand.
We can easily be loyal to the state but want to change the head of it.
The great response it has received for the new handset shows that the Note faithful are loyal to this lineup.
The buyers who come through the door might already be loyal to another practitioner, and you should respect that relationship.

Phrases with «to be loyal to»

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