Sentences with phrase «to be poisonous to pets»

Always assume all human medications are poisonous to your pet, unless instructed otherwise by your veterinary surgeon.
If you are unsure whether a food is poisonous to your pet, please consult the veterinarian prior to feeding it to your animal.
Note that oral tea tree oil consumption is poisonous to pets and people alike.
Many plants are poisonous to your pet — check to see if the plants around your home are dangerous.
Some owners even admitted to giving chocolate and even alcohol, both of which are poisonous to pets and can be fatal.
Many human medications, edible gifts and toiletries are poisonous to pets.
Many foods that are healthy for people are poisonous to pets, including onions, raisins and grapes.
Unfortunately, chocolate in all forms is poisonous to our pets and should be kept away from them entirely.
There are several common household products and foods that can be poisonous to pet birds.
Have you ever wondered if a particular household cleaning product or human medication is poisonous to your pets?
Also be sure to thoroughly clean up any antifreeze spills and store household chemicals out of paw's reach, since antifreeze is poisonous to pets.
Also, some types of plants like holly, poinsettias, and mistletoe are poisonous to pets if eaten, and tinsel or ribbons can cause severe damage to a dog's digestive system or even worse.
Seemingly risk - free flowers and plants like daisies and daffodils are poisonous to pets and can trigger a number of serious reactions including diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration.
Though some herbs and spices are poisonous to our pets, cilantro is not one of them — there is no real risk of toxicity associated with giving your hamster a couple bites of fresh cilantro from time to time, or even regularly.
Lilies, Sago Palm, Crocuses, and Lily of the Valley are all poisonous to pets.
There is a distinction worth noting, though, and that is European mistletoe (not American) can be poisonous to your pets beyond minor stomach or intestinal irritation.
Onions, garlic, wild mushrooms, avocado, and rhubarb are all poisonous to pets, and corn is also a common allergen.
Insect and rodent poisons are meant to kill other, smaller animals, so it's no wonder they can be poisonous to your pet as well.
She says there are other plants that are poisonous to your pets too, like ferns.
Glue, many are surprised to learn, can also be poisonous to pets, and certain glues, such as Gorilla Glue, can expand to the size of a basketball when ingested!
Holly, mistletoe, poinsettias, lilies and daffodils are poisonous to your pet, so keep them in a place where they can't get to them.
There are several plant species that are poisonous to our pets — daffodils, morning glory and oleander to name a few.
And holiday sweets can contain ingredients that are poisonous to pets.
Pets are enticed by the sweet - tasting liquid, although it is poisonous to pets.
Summertime is the perfect time for a backyard barbeque or party, but remember that the food and drink you serve your guests may be poisonous to pets.
Most types of squash seem pretty safe in terms of toxicity risk — they do not contain any chemicals that have been proven to be poisonous to our pets, so there is minimal risk of kidney or liver failure.
There are tons of plants that are poisonous to your pets that are available year - round (view the full list on the ASPCA website), but around the holidays many of these popular but poisonous plants seem to be in every home!
Fortunately, this flavorful herb does not contain anything that is known to be poisonous to our pets, so there is no risk of toxicity associated with feeding your rabbit parsley.
Never leave alcoholic drinks unattended where pets can reach them because they can be poisonous to pets,
Be careful about bringing in decorations that are poisonous to pets.
The following infographic details some common items in each area of the household that are poisonous to pets.
Pet Poison Helpline's comprehensive database contains 250 + potential poisons, including foods, drugs, chemicals and plants commonly found in the home and yard that are poisonous to pets.
University of California at Davis listing of plants which may be poisonous to pets.
Many people are aware that certain holiday plants, such as Mistletoe and Holly, are poisonous to pets, but what about the most common holiday «plant,» the Christmas tree?
Please do not do this — human painkillers can be poisonous to pets.
Unfortunately, most of the flea control products are directed at the bothersome adults, and most of these are toxic chemicals that are poisonous to the pet and its person.
Animal Poison Control Center Sponsored by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), this site provides information concerning materials that are poisonous to pets, tips to providing a poison - safe home, and hotline numbers for poison - related animal emergencies.
Unfortunately, mistletoe berries and the leaves, stems and flowers of poinsettia can be poisonous to pets.
Mistletoe berries and poinsettia leaves, stems & flowers can be poisonous to pets.
You can find many items in your cupboards, garage, garden, even your purse or backpack that are be poisonous to your pet.
Secondly, when unused fireworks are ingested, they are poisonous to pets.
Pet - proofing your home is the first step to keeping pets from licking, biting, chewing, and swallowing things that are poisonous to pets and / or destructive to your belongings.
Products for your lawn and garden may be poisonous to pets that ingest them.
Pet Poison Helpline's new iPhone application contains an extensive database of plants, chemicals, foods and drugs that are poisonous to pets.
Even certain plants and flowers can be poisonous to pets.
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