Sentences with phrase «to be present in the moment»

Those eyes that bore into my soul and make me so grateful to be present in that moment with him.
Be present in the moment of your actions, an important lesson not only for horseback riding and art making, but also for looking and being in relationship to objects.
Practice being present in the moment, simplifying, and choosing foods that are known to help calm the mind.
It's a big beautiful world out there and we feel our best when we're enjoying it by being present in the moment.
See how long you can create a distraction - free environment and simply be present in the moment to reflect.
It's really helpful to have someone in your life who can hold you accountable for being present in the moment.
But real progress came from being present in the moment, concentrating on my alignment and on my efforts.
All of the above are examples of what you might call «mindless - ness» i.e. not being present in the moment.
Historically, a ritual is all about being present in the moment, giving gratitude to what is happening to you at this time, connecting with yourself...
For me, it's important to be present in the moment while I'm trying to focus on a particular task and sometimes that means blocking out all of the other noise for a bit.»
Apartment is so peaceful and I have my wonderful «me» moment of just being present in the moment and not giving a damn about anything else but squeezing my lemons into the lukewarm water.
«Forest bathing calls for using all of your senses so you are practicing being present in the moment rather than focused on the future or worrying about what might happen or regretting what took place in the past,» says psychologist Elizabeth Lombardo.
Meditation helps you to be present in the moment which helps you experience more and helps you be calmer and more focused.
I'm curious how you balance being on social media but still being present in the moment!?
The story tackles themes of authenticity vs. illusion, and the title references being present in the moment instead of in a perpetual drug - induced haze.
Intentional breathing can be used to alleviate test - taking anxieties, to center oneself before giving a presentation, to find a moment of peace before moving from one thing to the next, or just to mindfully be present in the moment.
The wild and raw nature that is present in every moment requires more of an attention to the now than we are often used to, but it certainly reminds you that nature is boss, and it's humbling.
I think it is critical to identify what is nourishing and restorative for you, to make it a priority to engage in those activities, and to practice being present in the moment so as to absorb the gifts of those times and places.
And the process is about the relationship, being able to be present in the moment with your child and to really draws on your own internal resources, rather than feeling that there is an absolute right or wrong way, is the most important I think, for parents to feel.
However, and more importantly, BlogHer — and the ability to connect in real life with so many talented writers and friends whose work I admire — only comes around once a year and I want to be present in the moment while I'm there, not holed up in my hotel room posting and moderating comments.
«Mindfulness can be a helpful tool that assists mothers during an incredibly stressful time for them, and for their family by allowing them to pause and be present in the moment rather than wishing something different was happening or worrying about tomorrow.»
It no longer becomes an issue of controlling our lives through a rigid «one size fits all» ideology, but an invitation to tailor our own approach by being present in every moment.
Practice at least one mind - body technique to cultivate calmness, relaxation and being present in the moment of now.
While it's impossible for most of us to completely unplug during our workday, being present in the moment can make us more productive, as compared to when we're checking our devices every few minutes.
The Thrive Global founder has since become an outspoken ambassador of self - care and being present in the moment, two behaviors that directly relate to good parenting.
The skills are the same: being present in the moment, and humble, and brave, and keeping a sense of humor.»
Is it present in the moment, or wandering to your to - do list?
Reading that thing is NOT easy... thats why it stays in the closet and collects dust... i'd rather meditate and be present in the moment... its all we have anyway... The problem is we are taking SOO much time to discus what is going to happen when we die, that we don't take time to focus on how to live in THIS VERY MOMENT...
Breastfeeding helped me to slow down and be present in the moment.
P.S. your writing about special we each are and how everybody's experiences and thoughts are so unique and complex is beautiful — lovely reminder to be present in each moment!
This means not just being there for an adequate amount of time, but being present in the moment and not allowing my mind to drift off to my to do list, etc..
The more he's able to be present in the moment, the better he'll be at self - regulation.
Trying so hard to be present in that moment, to absorb every detail, every raised swirl on your coffin, the shine of the plaque, the way the sweet peas from your granny's garden sat on the top.
Of course, you want to remember today by taking lots of pictures, but perhaps consider handing over the camera (or the phone) to a friend or family member so that you can enjoy the party and be present in the moment.
Talk about what it means to you to be attached to your children, to be involved in their lives, to be present in their moments.
Learning to live a life of gratitude is like a «walking meditation», being present in the moment, not worrying about the past or the future but really living in the now, feeling intensely grateful for the many blessing we have in our lives.
Engaging in conversation also forces your mind to be present in the moment, she adds.
If we can't pause to be present in this moment and appreciate all of the good things already in our lives, we won't develop the skills of gratitude and mindfulness that will enable us to enjoy our future success.
My mind was racing, and I was allowing it to be outside of my body, rather than being present in the moment.
To be able to give our full attention and be present in the moment is nonnegotiable in good relationships.
We might do this by simply pausing and reminding ourselves to be present in the moment, or by scheduling time for meditation, reflection, or being in nature.
Try to approach your food differently: be present in the moment and give it your full attention.
The time spent learning to be present in the moment — is well worth the reward.
It's about being present in the moment and conscious of what's going on for you at all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually.
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