Sentences with phrase «to be prophecies»

One hopes it may be a prophecy of an international council of churches which may soon bind together the total life and work of the churches throughout the world.
He does not deny that the prophecy was prophecy.
In the religion of R'hllor there is a prophecy about a legendary figure named Azor Ahai, that is said will return one day to defeat the «Great Other» (probably White Walkers) with the sword «Lightbringer».
Or is his prophecy fulfilled in the attack on the Twin Towers?
This week's GoodeReader eBook of the Week is The Prophecy by Raine Thomas, the prequel to Thomas» YA romance / fantasy bestselling Daughters of Seraqael series.
Jesus was prophecied many times in the OT He would die for our sins..
For example, who are the prophets, and what are the prophecies Peter has in mind?
So the next book was Prophecy — based on the prophecy in Revelation that a quarter of the world must die... (cue dramatic music)... and then I wrote Exodus, which doesn't even begin with P... you're getting the idea now that I didn't really have a clue back then!
One aspect of this messianic hope was the prophecy of a warless world when men should «beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks»; (Isa.
There will always be prophecies of a bursting bubble looming just ahead.
Messiahs returning to save mankind was prophecied long before and adopted by those trying to reclaim Cesars throne.
Many of Isaiah's prophecies have been fulfilled and there are prophecies written for the last days that are being fulfilled now.
Christians say that this verse is a prophecy of Jesus» birth to a virgin.
Understand, the bible is prophecy, is a foretelling of things to come.
It is true there are prophecies yet to be fulfilled concerning His Reign here on earth.
John of Patmos must have had some sense of finality of Biblical writings when he warned in Rev. 22 that God would deal severely with any «adding» or «taking away» from the Words of «this prophecy», and as much of Gods Word is prophecy I think that applies to the entire Bible and not just to Revelation.
Yet mysticism is scarcely half of what spirituality is about — the other half being prophecy, by which I understand the living out of the grace - experience in the body politic by way of justice.
Another tool we have with those who are not yet awakened to their divine heritage is prophecy.
Apocalyptic, we might say, is prophecy become radically pessimistic.
If the omniscience of God were limited, most of everything in the books of Daniel and Revelation would be mere talk, mere guesses that may or may not be fulfilled; they would not be prophecies.
Yes, there are prophecies relating to the destruction of the wicked at Christ's second coming, but you will not find a living Christian who will believe that their Christ will personally carry out the killing of millions of people at that time, as we find with the vengeful Mormon Christ.
Never had there been a prophecy which did not come true, but finally, they thought, one of God's promises failed.
It is completely rediculous to insist that Jesus Christ could not have been what that is referring to when the entire old testament is a prophecy about the lamb of God, the Messiah, and his kingdom.
The codes are prophecies in the Bible that prove it is real.
The words of Simeon to Mary about a sword piercing her own heart is a prophecy about Christ's coming crucifixion on Calvary's cross.
What is really amazing are the prophecies that have not yet come to pass, though current events are setting the stage
All of these things were prophecies about the expected Jewish Messiah, and none of them were done by Jesus during his lifetime.
All those «last week» details in our gospels, as distinct from the brute facts just mentioned, are prophecy turned into history, rather than history remembered.»
Indeed the description in Genesis chapter two of the creation of Adam and Eve is a prophecy that applies to Christ and us.
Of particular interest is whether the opening sequence was a prophecy of some kind and who the mysterious masked man calling himself Marth is.
According to Paulsen, the mural is a prophecy to «what women want,» whilst his work entitled «Euroboys» encapsulates a sense of instant gratification.
Oh, and what are these prophecies that have come true that «authenticate» christianity?
And again in Rev 1:3 it says the book is a prophecy and the time is near.
But there is a prophecy in ancient folklore that tells of a single man that is destined to free the citizens of his nation, delivering them to the promised land of Promethea.
Prophecies are notoriously fallible: «whether there be prophecies they shall fail.»
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