Sentences with phrase «to be proud about»

It's nothing to be proud about in my view.
I don't see any point of being proud about the system integrated by him.
Being proud about all that cash in the bank, but the club not reducing prices.
I'm always proud when women are proud about what do their breasts are made for.
You have a lot of great pieces, so I think you'll look back in 5 years and be proud about how many have stood the test of time.
The truth is, if youre on the site, youre admitting that youre looking for love, so be proud about saying what you really want..
They can at least be proud about one thing, they've captured this perfectly.
Whether or not the film is actually good, you shouldn't be proud about your ridiculous lack of patience.
You can share how you have so much to be proud about when it comes to your school.
I know there will be the flyers who are proud about getting all their miles from «Butt In Seat» flying, but hey, if Delta and American Express want to give me the option of getting MQMs through spending, why shouldn't I consider it?
And some people are proud about their promiscuous behavior?!?!? who knows what STD's they are transmitting.
But of course our French Prof was trying to look on the positive side, and he has noted that this is now our fourth clean sheet in a row, which is definitely something to be proud about for our defence, and of course he also noted that it was a defender that claimed the winning goal.
I am german and grew up in cloth diapers, so my mom is proud about my decision.
Doing 50 Ugi bupees is worth being proud about too!
«If a brand is proud about something, they'll make sure we know about it; if they're doing something they believe we won't appreciate they'll keep us guessing.
Kensuke Kita (Guitar, Vocals): Thinking in a sense that NARUTO is one anime Japan can be proud about around the world, I'd even dare to say I obsessed over keywords like «Asia» and «Japanese style» during the songwriting.
Developer Playful can be proud about Super Lucky's Tale because this game is part of the platform genre resurrection too.
The animation is beautiful and the animators definitely have something to be proud about in the future.
This was a guy who was all proud about being able to get life insurance for his husband and their new 7 month old child, but only if he could get cheap term life insurance prices.
Donald Glover has a lot to be proud about.
So you don't think you have many things to be proud about?
This is something we should all be proud about
Obama supports abortion and is proud about that.
My hand is raised and I can't say I'm proud about that.
«The implementation of ESCAS is hardly something that we as a trading partner with our near and far neighbours can be proud about,» Mr Jackman said.
Dein was doing something to make Wenger consider defense as our defense while Dein was CEO was a def to be proud about.
just announce your retirement at the end of the season already and you will not go down as a legend because frankly you have been a failure, 2 league titles in 18 years is nothing to be proud about
I am a proud Arsenal fan and we have much to be proud about: a fantastic stadium, a couple of really world class players, and a record that even the world's humblest man, Mr Mourinho, must applaud — those of you who don't know what I refer to, Google search «The Invincibles».
Despite the shame of Heysel, the impact of Thatcherism and a city still reeling from Liverpool City Council's war with Westminster, there was plenty to be proud about.
I'm proud about that.
Now, however, the 33 - year - old came up with an effort that most strikers would be proud about.
Since when has it been a crime to be proud about your children?»
He said he was proud about their work, and encouraged them not to be disturbed by the allegations by some Ghanaians they were conniving with illegal miners.
Speaking at the media launch of the 2018 World Press Freedom Day, Dr. Hamid urged Ghanaians to be proud about the opportunity given to Ghana to host this year's edition as it...
If you wrote a book, you should be proud about it.
You should treat her with all respect and be proud about yourself.
Having been caught on camera eating the forbidden fruit, dancehall entertainer LA Lewis is seeking to get more Jamaican males to man - up and be proud about I have been receiving scam messages through sms ever since I laid my hands on my postpaid mobile.
Once students decide on their source of pride, they write it down, describe it, and explain why they are proud about it.
Now that's something to be proud about.
Honda has plenty to be proud about the all - new, second - generation Ridgeline, but the aftermarket scene is always ready to improve things.
A handsome, steady paycheck is a blessing and something to be proud about.
«I'm proud about being a homeowner,» she said.
What I'm proud about myself is at the same time I was able to show him some interesting to see.
We are proud about the quality of posts on this website, thus each post comes with the most striking visuals to tease your wanderlust.
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