Sentences with phrase «to be provocative»

All of these differences are provocative in one way or another.
A hook is a provocative question or introductory activity that attracts student interest, focuses thinking, and opens memory banks closely associated with the new topic.
There is a provocative loneliness to this scenery but not in a negative way.
In short, while these results are provocative and compelling, they do not necessarily rule out other explanations.
You shouldn't be provocative for the sake of it, but if you truly have an opposing point of view, it would benefit you to share it.
But don't be provocative; of course, you also want men to take you seriously.
At the heart of this question is a provocative idea: Maybe pet owners, and not veterinarians, will drive the next era of pet health care.
Here's a provocative one: an award that calls to the podium the student willing to risk short - term academic achievement for long - term learning.
This sucks all tension and emotion from what should be a provocative thriller.
It became a distraction as the film drew to what should be a provocative conclusion; one which ultimately feels added for shock more than anything else.
Thanks for your insights though, which are provocative and stimulate thought and discussion!
The man who was provocative or the man who was violent?
I never meant to be provocative when wearing over knee boots, so I'm always looking for outfits that are rather cozy and trendy than sexy.
The skillful choice of subject and printing out the finer details produces imagery that can be provocative with its artistic weight.
The article is provocative and interesting, but at this point should be considered somewhat speculative.
The ways in which the picture frame is questioned, expanded or uniquely considered while being provocative, contemporary and personal are elements of this show concept.
The movie is provocative, mainly for its own sake.
«This series of traveler stories is provocative and compelling,» the judges wrote.
His place in his time is provocative, but also a problem.
The essays are provocative, cutting, and filled with interesting nuggets of existential insight into the condition of man and the meaning of faith.
The implication that complexity initially arose by accident may be provocative within the field of evolutionary biology, the authors said.
The keen insight, honesty and direct approach is provocative and intelligent reading.
Paradise: Love is a provocative film that does not hold back from showing harsh realities that are as hard to look away from as they are to look at.
The indie is a provocative, racially charged satire about race relations at a time when we have our first African - American president.
These criticisms were provocative, but ultimately proved less than prophetic.
Sometimes in an attempt to be provocative authors will choose words that are unusual in an attempt to standout.
The following is a provocative link about early neutering.
His body language and the mysterious eye contact he makes with viewers are provocative, offering his interpretation of sexuality and the fluid nature of identity in contemporary contexts.
What visitors find there will inevitably be provocative and strange, and inspire fascination.
This retrospective is a provocative and compelling body of work, deserving of a much broader audience.
While the use of urine was provocative, the resulting image is very powerful and memorable and fine.
Responsible Science is a provocative examination of the role of educational efforts; research guidelines; and the contributions of individual scientists, mentors, and institutional officials in encouraging responsible research practices.
Your question about the value of a no - feedback calculation is provocative.
The questions in this survey were provocative and a sign of things to come as more academics question the fundamentals of the publishing industry at a time of massive change.
The interplay of sound and visuals from multiple pieces can be provocative in its own right, but usually it is overwhelming.
Here was a provocative «translation» of new scientific knowledge to update modernist notions of material transparency.
This language is already found in Rule 33, and for that reason, should not be provocative.
The study's suggestion that high doses of omega - 3 can help improve recovery after a heart attack is a provocative finding, Kwong said, although the research was not designed to prove that high doses of the supplement could actually lower the risk of death after heart attack.
Chingaderas Sofisticadas — sophisticated f**ker s — is the provocative title of a group show of artists associated with the culturally rich city of Guadalajara.
But this is to cavil at what is meant to be a provocative thesis.
«The new Hansen study is provocative and intriguing but rife with speculation and «what if» scenarios,» he told Climate Central.
it's like... just enough skin without being provocative!
It helps that his work is provocative in all the right ways, drawing on the transgressive chic of his subject matter: London's underground gay nightlife, from the blackout, vinyl - lined sex clubs to rave culture.
There is a provocative exhibition on view called «Carol Rama.
«The sales function in BigLaw firms» is a provocative post by John Grimley that highlights one of the themes in Remaking Law Firms.
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