Sentences with phrase «to be repeatable»

If you recognize a potential opportunity and believe there is a repeatable fact pattern, call us.
Job search is a repeatable process, regardless of your role.
These outsized gains probably won't be repeatable in upcoming quarters, though the record backlogs cited by Greenbrier and Trinity suggest the near - term operating outlook for these companies remains fairly promising.
The result would not be repeatable because the new mice had a head start.
But what you will see is repeatable and consistent growth over time.
Whatever solution or recipe the company comes up with must be repeatable at the client's facility.
It's almost like there's a repeatable pattern to becoming a successful artist...
This model makes predictions that can be tested which include, among other things, the CMB radiation and the receding in all directions of all distant celestial objects, both of which are verifiable and the tests for which are repeatable.
Side missions are repeatable, and while it can occasionally be repetitive to replay the same thing two or three times to farm some points, most hold up to repeated playthroughs just fine.
If the problem is repeatable, and it sounds as though it is, you may not have to ask your mechanic to look at anything specific.
In science, a fact is a repeatable careful observation or measurement (by experimentation or other means), also called empirical evidence.
What Spencer has shown is that the responses to PDO, AMO, SOI are repeatable, and... their phasing is such that they interfere constructively to create a temperature rise which is strikingly close to what we have, in fact, observed.
Next, the talk trigger must be repeatable for all customers.
Thanks Belinda, and I do hope what I'm doing is repeatable as I have some more books to come I would like to have a hybrid publishing career at some point.
The distinguishing feature of modern science is its limiting requirement that findings be repeatable.
For Derrida, only signs are repeatable and objectifiable.
In so far as that relationship of a reality to its environment is repeatable, two individuals may share the same relationship to their environment and so share the same nature.
There was no repeatable skill, harrumphed the extremely erudite baseball writer, and it's very easy to dust off those old arguments and reuse them.
It's called patterned breathing, and as long as there is a repeatable rhythm, it counts.
«The study suggests that dry matter intake is repeatable across varying stages of maturity and diet types in cattle, and accurate feed efficiency measures can be obtained in either the growing or finishing period,» Shike says.
«The technique is repeatable and commercially viable,» Robl says.
At any rate, the effect is repeatable and is widely held to be one of the foundations of both market economies and democracies.
They also demonstrated that their method is repeatable and the simple robots they created have good stability.
Our results show that the sensor response is repeatable and agree with mathematical models.
Though the diet is repeatable, it's no way designed to be long - term.
THis is repeatable, as well — I lost weight solely so i can be a glutton.
While there are repeatable tasks I do each and every day, there is always a newness to what I do each day.
Our goal is that our successes be repeatable and sustainable, which is why our initiatives are subject to rigorous evaluation.
One of Porsche's big selling points for its as - of - yet unproduced electric vehicles is repeatable performance: You'll be able to hit those acceleration and performance figures again and again without cooking anything onboard or forcing the car to throttle down.
The idea should be to estimate what earnings are repeatable in future quarters / years.
* The performance of the SPA3 Investor equity curve shown above has been achieved by strictly adhering to the SPA3 Investor rules and processes and hence is repeatable.
Repeatable expenses are repeatable offences if you keep paying for an unnecessary bill.
If it is something that could be repeatable then the government has a duty to step in and assess the situation.
Visas issued as Infinite carry some specialized benefits, with the most discussed one being a repeatable $ 100 companion discount when purchasing roundtrip airline tickets.
The Female and Male Chalice are our only fully voiced characters in the game (besides the grunts and cries of the heroes), so when a hero lands a critical strike against an enemy, we have to write a piece of dialogue that ideally: is short enough to be repeatable without boring the player and gets the character's voice across.
Keep in mind that these quests are repeatable, so you can keep completing them until you've got your snowmobile's stats maxed out.
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