Sentences with phrase «to be sin for someone»

This surely means that neither grief nor pain are a sin for us.
And, if marriage is not a sin for straight cuoples, then it can not be a sin for gay couples.
For example, in my household it was abundantly clear that consuming any alcoholic beverage in any amount was a sin for which there was no forgiveness.
Government law is sin for libertarian investors captivated by the guarantee that cryptocurrencies will end the restraint of the acceleration taxation and government's fiat income monopoly.
Proving you are a horrible person takes little when you believe your cousin was sinning for having been born a lesbian.
Love is the sin for which we find it almost impossible to repent.
It's like saying folks born left - handed are sinning for using their left hands.
Because people have been sinning for centuries, and I don't think your God or uncle jesus has done anything about it.
Separateness was a sin for which we pray to be forgiven» whenever ecumenical gatherings are held, he asserted.
He warned that young people will abandon «orthodox» Christian churches that teach that homosexuality is a sin for fear of being called haters.
«The fact that it's not is a sin for all of us.»
«I guess my question is, do you believe it's a sin for a white man to marry and procreate with a black?»
It was a sin for Christians to treat their Negro brethren as inferiors.
God made Christ to be sin for us, that we, through him might stand before God as righteous (2 Cor.
Those are sins for any religion.
As Paul says, «God made him [Jesus] who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God» (2 Cor.
So, I return to my original question: As long as we are aware of the poverty of others, is it a sin for us to be rich?
If he didn't what would be your sin for not believing it, because then you are not rejecting his salvation if it is not offered to you in the first place.
I suppose the question for me is this: As long as we are aware of the poverty of others, is it a sin for us to be rich?
On the individual level it is a sin for me to harbor negative thoughts toward another person.
-- «For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us...» He knew no sin (He was without sin).
To be sin for us (the Greek word means sin - offering)(see also Romans 3:25; 8:3).
God's word says: «Therefore, if one KNOWS how to do what is right and yet DOES NOT DO IT, IT IS A SIN FOR HIM.»
The scripture actually says that, «For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.»
Just because something is a sin according to your version of the gospel does not mean it is a sin for other people.
The apostle Paul writes, «God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God» (2 Corinthians 5:21).
As for gay folks, since being gay is a God - given and innate trait, we are not sinning by being gay any more than you are sinning for being short, heteroseual, or bald.
I'm a hardcore introvert reader / studier / thinker and lifelong depression sufferer who's literally been told that «God doesn't need thinkers»; that «it's a sin to be an introvert; you're not a REAL Christian unless you're on fire to tell everybody about Jesus»; and that «it's a sin for a Christian to be depressed.»
Getting married is not actually a religious issue.So all the people out there that say it is a sin for two gay people to marry need to keep their beliefs to themselves.That is their right to do so among their congregations.But it's not fair to try and make everyone else live by their religious convictions.Equals rights are not a religious issue.But polygamy is not right.Marriage should be only one partner at a time.
«He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him» (2 Corinthians 5:21).
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
God made him [Jesus] who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21).
God made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us.
Nor does anyone believe that it is a sin for a priest if one of his parishioners uses birth control.
I want to add in truth i don't know if masturbation is a sin, I would think that if it becomes addictive to someone where they are in bondage to it, then it is a sin for sure.
------ Oh, by the way, it would be a sin for me to have even one drink.
Did you know it is a SIN for a man and wife to use birth control (even condoms)?
Also, those who deny the existence of Hell / Lake of Fire also have no understanding of what Jesus went through on the cross when He was made to be sin for us.
God loves us so much that He sacrificed His Son to be sin for us — if we trust Him, we will be okay.
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