Sentences with phrase «to be something to this»

And if you have, and now this is the choice that you made, then hey — who am I to tell you what to do.
And how are they to hear if the preacher does not make it clear?
Who are you to define who I am and what I can do?
So what are you to do when the complexity of your financial life finally drives you to seek some professional financial help?
How hard is it to do business with your company?
It didn't really have a book of business, but there was something to the name and it did have some equipment and things like that.
How easy is it to make some project ours to control or be controlled?
It's up to you to guide me to what is mine to chew and what is not.
The stories show that differences are something to be overlooked in favor of relationship.
Here's something to think about before you invest your entire afternoon on that job application.
... also, agave may be something to avoid when pregnant.
What are we to conclude from any of these individual studies?
How hard is it to replace that switch in an accord?
What are we to make of this incredibly high success rate?
There's something to be said for face - to - face interactions.
This looks super tender but how easy is it to chew?
What I really desire, no matter how I get it, is something to chew on, think about, or be challenged by.
Anything is possible and who are you to say it's not.
He says that being political is necessary; being party political is something to avoid.
What are we to make of this apparent contradiction?
So what are you to do if you're offering luxury goods, automobiles, home mortgages, or baby and child products?
Who am I to receive such simple treasures from a generous God, treasures that are easily taken for granted in the pursuit of even grander goods?
Who am I to complicate things unnecessarily?
I know the price difference is something to scoff at.
And it might not matter much two years hence — surely Mr. Trudeau would be forgiven were he to look at recent history and conclude that elections could be won despite questions about the ethics of one's actions.
Would Rodrigo Duterte get the same pass were he to threaten state - sponsored brutality in specific terms?
Were it to receive an addition to its world, it would have to relate to that world differently, and thereby alter the selection of its unifying pattern in some detail.
How are we to tell when we're «loved badly» or just loved by an imperfect human being whose love is also imperfect?
I know the price difference is something to scoff at.
What are we to think when a CEO slashes his own salary by 93 %, and then uses the money — along with a big chunk of corporate profits — to ensure that every one of his employees makes a minimum of $ 70,000 per year?
«It's not that failure is something to look forward to; it's that the cost of creating Web - based businesses is fairly low,» says Alex Furmansky, president and founder of Sparkology, a New York - based online dating site for young professionals.
For example, «How easy is it to use with a Shopify add - on?»
We met a number of winemakers and they were excited we were there and asked me to criticize their wines... and I thought, «Who am I to do criticize?
If Jesus really does know all about us and loves us anyway, then who am I to avoid anyone because they're a sinner?
What else are we to conclude when a man without any biblical training or calling from the Spirit is considered more qualified to preach the gospel by virtue of being a man than a woman with extensive training, years of practice, remarkable giftedness, and a profound sense of calling?
How hard is it to make toilet paper?
Aaron Draplin: First, who am I to tell some big agency that's just spent six months toiling with a tough client how to do their job?
While there is certainly nothing wrong with putting a price on your program, making it free is something to consider.
It's almost great when people say that,»cause it almost makes you defensive... you think, «No, there's something to this.
Wealth and success is something to pass on.
It's something to consider before you set up shop in any of these places.
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