Sentences with phrase «to be such a bad thing»

Maybe a little mandatory military service wouldn't be such a bad thing for North American youth.
This may not be such a bad thing for some borrowers, but those without the capability to pay a loan in that short time are screened out by this payment plan package.
This wouldn't be such a bad thing if there was actually something that happens after the buildup.
So, you know, depending on how you feel about that, a few extra moments spent transitioning might not be such a bad thing after all.
And even if they did, that might not be such a bad thing in the short - term.
That might not be such a bad thing as the performance has been improving recently.
Why is it such a bad thing for them to wait to buy it a bit cheaper?
Being a little stuck on yourself may not be such a bad thing when trying to lose weight.
If sex was such a bad thing, I wondered, then how come it felt like such a good thing?
The Gunners may still get a very tough draw but I do not think coming second is such a bad thing this year.
That may not be such a bad thing though when young people are included among your target demographics.
But, most people don't really understand why bad credit is such a bad thing, nor what having bad credit means to lenders.
If you pay it back promptly I don't see why having a CC is such a bad thing.
He recently asked whether global warming is such a bad thing even if the climate is changing.
Considering yourself a coffee addict might not be such a bad thing after all.
Now that we've discussed that the negative cash flow property may not be such a bad thing if managed correctly... let me throw you a curve ball.
But negative emotions may not be such a bad thing after all.
Installation view of «Untitled (like death is such a bad thing)» and «Composition No. 15» by Luke Heng Image courtesy of the artist and Pearl Lam Galleries
Manjoo's column, «Don't Support Your Local Bookseller» asserts that killing off indie bookstores might not be such a bad thing because they are, «some of the least efficient, least user - friendly, and most mistakenly mythologized local establishments you can find,» calling them «cultish, moldering institutions.»
If Trump doesn't live up to his deal - making promises we could face another four years of legislative stalemate — which for many businesses may not be such a bad thing either.
Oh, yes, having a righteous man of God providing for you as you too, learn how to think, comprehend, apply righteousness in all you do is such a bad thing in your pathetic carnal viewpoint.
But Christinaity has not been such a bad thing at its core.
guess any1 would take a replay no matter when it is, to a loss to Manure... so that wont be such a bad thing afteroll... So hope our guys can show up tonight, cos need to give MU sumthing to think bout for the league match there later on.
So, for me, Howe appointment would not be such a bad thing unless we can get Simeone.
According to the letter of the law, he could be - which may not be such a bad thing judging by his Newsnight performance last week.
While Muslim dating is considered a controversial topic, many Muslims are beginning to wonder whether the idea of dating is such a bad thing.
L.L. Barkat, who bid farewell to blogging years ago on Jane Friedman's blog, returns to explain why blogging may no longer be such a bad thing anymore.
PigPen, you've said this before, but why do you think that ps4 availability is such a bad thing?
But would the demise of the Treaty really be such a bad thing for environmental conservation in Antarctica?
Installation view of «Flatline» and «Untitled (like death is such a bad thing)» by Luke Heng Image courtesy of the artist and Pearl Lam Galleries, Singapore
«The electric car, as a thing in itself, might not be such a bad thing in isolation.»
Which turned out not to be such a bad thing because it brought me to the present day crumpet... [Read more...]
That in and of itself wouldn't be such a bad thing if «A Cure for Wellness» were at least entertaining in its excess, but it only sometimes rises to that occasion.
It's not hard to argue that given how innovative and relatively untried the funding policy is, their victory might not be such a bad thing for now.
That wouldn't be such a bad thing, except that in the case of sports footwear and apparel, almost all the money is in, well, sports.
Frankly, if you respect this colleague and think she could do a good job as a manager, would it be such a bad thing if she did formally become his deputy?
If über - entrepreneurs like these are beset by self - doubt, one could make the case that it may not be such a bad thing; perhaps insecurity — specifically, having something to prove — can provide the necessary fuel for pushing themselves toward success.
But that may not be such a bad thing.
A dual - class share structure essentially renders the voice of «the people» worthless but with many investors not having a particular insight or inside knowledge of a business and management having a lot of skin in the game, this might not be such a bad thing.
It strikes me that a little more belief in knowledge and a little less knowledge of belief might not be such a bad thing.
Hopefully, the worst damage will prove to be a few more skeptics, and considering that Camping is the proverbial tip of the iceberg where Christian cults are concerned, that may not be such a bad thing.
I know that I'm no Aquinas, but would it be such a bad thing to befriend the poor?
Why would it be such a bad thing if the Pope was a Marxist?
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