Sentences with phrase «to be sufficient»

Sometimes, this may not be sufficient for long - term infections.
Their role is to decide whether there is sufficient evidence for a criminal prosecution to go ahead, and they can either vote to return an indictment or decline to file charges.
African farmers have developed several adaptation options to cope with current climate variability, but such adaptations may not be sufficient for future changes of climate (high confidence).
On the contrary — I think there is sufficient evidence for us to hold real concerns that these measures will set Indigenous communities back.
On a first date, you are aiming to see if there is sufficient in - person romantic chemistry and attraction to warrant a second date and possibly more.
If there is a sufficient amount of stomach acid present you should feel this within 1 - 2 capsules, if not it may take you several capsules to feel the burning sensation.
These steps might not be sufficient enough for recovery if you have a history of broken trust in your life.
Most fell into the categories of «a generous amount» and «enough to cover tuition,» which is sufficient for most students.
The form has a space for you to write down the reasons for the cancellation or the variation so the court will know if there is sufficient reason.
If there are no sufficient funds in your account by then, you also have to face overdraft fees.
Often times, liability auto coverage is sufficient enough to comply with your state's minimum car insurance laws.
Minimum coverage — the minimum coverage prescribed by the state might not be sufficient as the accidents generally cost more than the minimum coverage amount.
Markets tend to function efficiently when there is a sufficient number of diverse investors to interact.
An approach that was fine for a $ 1,000 investment might not be sufficient when you reach $ 100,000 — but that's a nice problem to have.
Usually two injections of insulin per day are sufficient in dogs.
He really loves you, and his grace is sufficient.
To find out, the researchers had to combine experimental work with theoretical work, because neither method was sufficient on its own.
I was struggling last year because I was putting so much effort in but not seeing what I thought were sufficient results.
It was concluded testimony of her income was sufficient evidence because she had only been fully employed for one week.
The rationale behind this section appears to be that a year is a sufficient length of time for the bankrupt and his family to adjust to their new, reduced financial circumstances.
Although an unmarried mother's name on a child's birth certificate is sufficient proof of her custodial rights, it is not the same for an unmarried father.
Volume level is sufficient for personal use and it has a high volume for in - call, hands free, and headphones.
Make sure there is sufficient space at the front of the room for a podium, a flip chart, and projection screen that is visible to all participants.
That would not under Canadian law be sufficient grounds for termination, but as a practical matter in a small office, he might fire the employee anyway.
A high school diploma is sufficient in most Apartment Manager resumes, while real estate training definitely represents an advantage.
For some people 3 - 4 days a week is sufficient enough!
The question is whether there are sufficient data to say that this particular iceberg was broken off because of greenhouse gas pollution.
While some advisers recommend using whole life insurance as a portion of a client's investment portfolio, we think that term life insurance is sufficient in most cases.
Individuals therefore believe that a company provided insurance policy is sufficient and they do not need an individual policy.
It is heroic to assume that such a view is sufficient basis on which to predict future «climate».
But it will no longer be sufficient because the scientists are not following their own principles.
These loans and withdrawals can be at any time as long as there is sufficient cash value in the policy.
Have a seasoned, independent human resources staff member or, if there is sufficient at stake, an outside expert, perform the investigation.
A price level at which there is sufficient demand for a stock to cause a halt in an downward trend and turn the trend up.
Most people find that two to three weeks is sufficient with induction stage, they've simply had enough at the end of this stage.
Since funding is done in small increments from multiple investors, the loan will not fully fund until there is sufficient interest from enough investors.
What's relevant is the results of these studies, their quality and whether their statistical power is sufficient to rule out relatively rare harmful effects.
Each fire is a sufficient cause of the destruction of your house.
While no one factor was sufficient by itself to change the cells, the combination of all the factors did the trick, turning the skin cells into stem cells.
Unless the driver is unusually tall, there is sufficient room behind the seats to carry a set of golf clubs or two.
It is not always the highest offer but if it is financed, it is the offer the seller believes is sufficient to meet the buyer's lender's appraised value.
I don't know if hell, as it has been described here, would even be a sufficient punishment.
The question is what are the sufficient conditions to transmit person - to - person.
You are supposed to convince your reader and you can do it only when there is a sufficient justification for your ideas.

Phrases with «to be sufficient»

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