Sentences with phrase «to be susceptible to»

As I mentioned earlier, all dogs are susceptible to infection when first exposed to the virus because dogs don't have natural immunity to the disease.
Dogs and cats are susceptible to infection, but considerably more resistant to disease than horses, humans, and some species of birds.
Even indoor cats are susceptible to heartworm disease spread by mosquitoes because mosquitoes do manage to get inside.
Dogs are susceptible to many of the same illnesses as people.
Every dog breed is susceptible to certain health difficulties, however, and it is good to be aware of these so that you can treat your dog accordingly.
Workers who spend extended periods of time working outside are susceptible to complications from exposure to direct sunlight, including skin cancer.
Of course, bouncing off walls (and other cars) leads to another wrinkle in the game, as your car is susceptible to damage.
As a result, they die from being susceptible to disease or parasites.
They can also provide additional photo - protection for people who are susceptible to skin disorders.
Although often thought to not be susceptible to heartworm infection, cats can indeed get heartworms.
The following chart indicates the animals which are susceptible to infection by canine and feline distemper.
If helping motivation is dynamic, it should also be susceptible to change due to experimental activation, for which experimental designs might be useful to extend the current findings.
It could expose some of humanity's hidden history, or even shed light on why people are susceptible to certain diseases.
As with every dog type, large breed dogs are susceptible to certain health problems.
Although he is in favor of streaming, he thinks it's a gray area that's susceptible to change in the future.
They may be susceptible to hip dysplasia and other large breed dog ailments.
Mothers should also consider breastfeeding for as long as possible — especially if their child is susceptible to skin problems.
Outdoor cats get more fleas and ticks, but regardless of where they live, all cats are susceptible to heartworm infection.
As well as being susceptible to viral and bacterial infections, your cat is more likely to develop heavy burdens of parasites, even with a lower level of exposure.
The skin may be prone to yeast infections and obviously the cats are susceptible to cold and to sun burn if they go outside.
Many vaccines protect against deadly diseases that your pet is susceptible to if not properly vaccinated.
Just as humans are susceptible to microbial infections, so too can marine animals (e.g., mammals) develop infections.
I wouldn't recommend consuming tons of almond flour as many individuals are susceptible to developing food sensitivities to tree nuts like almonds.
So I suspect we'll only get rotation of those type of players who are susceptible to injury.
Teens and adults are susceptible to health issues from toxic fibers and fabrics as well.
But that has meant more defensive backs on the field who are susceptible to getting run over.
Young puppies are susceptible to illnesses and diseases that can be very serious, most of which are entirely preventable.
Many animals are susceptible to becoming hosts for heartworms, but most commonly they are found in cats and dogs.
All three breeds of pit bull terriers are susceptible to general canine eye problems.
For example, large breed puppies are susceptible to bone problems, if too many calories and calcium are given during this growth phase.
Children are susceptible to so many forces around them, and they can be lost in the chaos without a strong set of parents to guide them.
Cats who survive this disease may have damaged immune systems and so are susceptible to other infectious diseases.
This means they are very much like cancer cells and this could lead to a greater chance of a woman being susceptible to cancer in the future.
He demonstrated how families are susceptible to becoming high conflict during stressful times and when they are participating in an adversarial system like court.
Many of our body systems are susceptible to oxidative stress and damage from reactive oxygen molecules.
Although different breeds have their own unique health profiles, most large dogs are susceptible to joint problems.
This is helpful if you have a pooch that is susceptible to bloating.
Not only are they susceptible to hacks as we have seen, crypto exchanges are unregulated and can shut down in a moment's notice, leaving you high and dry without your funds.
You may have the genes for and be susceptible to heart disease or diabetes or arthritis, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will get those diseases.
Dogs are susceptible to different species of the bacteria than those affecting cats.
This is quite contradictory to the use of a conventional water bowl that stays open and therefore, is susceptible to bacterial contamination.
While these dogs are specifically known for their intelligence and active lifestyles, dogs of every size, breed, and age are susceptible to boredom.
If the cat is overweight it will be susceptible to more complications than a lean mother.
While cleaning removes environmental allergens, cats that have food allergies are susceptible to ear infections as well.
Some employees in certain workplace settings are susceptible to fire and burn injury.
But as a child / infant, your baby's bones are soft and even her skull is susceptible to pressure.
Like your home, your business is susceptible to numerous kinds of water damage, not all of which are included in your commercial building insurance.
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