Sentences with phrase «to be the only game in town»

When bond yields rise, investors often start weighing whether stocks are the only game in town for return.
This illustrates the basic economic reality that productivity growth is the only game in town when it comes to raising the economic and financial well - being of people over a long period.
So, for those who want to grow their capital, stocks are the only game in town.
Were in a pretty small town and there are no other fitness centers competing with us — since were the only game in town, it worked out well.
Lawyers were the only game in town for legal advice and services as they were the only ones with access to the required knowledge and tools.
At the end of the twentieth century, capitalism is the only game in town.
I think there is a more important shift, from monetary policy being the only game in town to one where fiscal policy has taken on greater importance.
However, to assume that mutual funds are the only game in town is to overlook the many positive benefits of individual stock ownership, especially ownership in emerging growth stocks.
However, it's also a reminder that market intervention is the only game in town these days.
If that's what you need money for, the cryptocurrencies are the only game in town.
If you like to run through the gears and must have a hybrid, the CR - Z is the only game in town.
To summarize, the RRSP was the only game in town for the boomers so it was a no - brainer.
This shouldn't mean the app store is the only game in town.
No one has really rocked the boat because traditional publishing was the only game in town.
Maybe this didn't matter so much when lawyers were the only game in town: love us or not, you have to hire us.
They do business with them because Amazon is the only game in town (realistically speaking), but Amazon has been Walmarting the publishers for years.
You're also right that Amazon may not be the only game in town when it comes to in - book ads.
Apple no longer has the luxury of being the only game in town as competitors from across the consumer electronics space prepare to take on the incumbent.
you think character dining at Disney World is the only game in town?)
-LSB-...] When blogging was the only game in town (see points 3 and 4 in that article I linked to)... well, all you really had to do was blog.
Google Home is the only game in town right now in Australia.
you think Disney is the only game in town when it comes to character dining?)
If Tocqueville called us practical Cartesians, there's a manner in which we're practical Hobbesians about the folly of felicity — and this despite our recognition that, in the land of equal freedom, the pursuit of happiness is the only game in town.
The key swing constituency is afraid of a government single - payer system where the government is the only game in town whenever a non-wealthy person wants health care.
And yes, the 1M is the only game in town for me if I ever break out a piping bag.
This time, charcoal was the only game in town as Bill Milroy and Ray Lampe got down to business.
With the baseball season over, and with the NBA postponing the start of their season, football and hockey are the only games in town.
Minor successes at the past two conferences, in Cancun and Durban, have reinforced the political consensus that the UNFCCC - centred process is the only game in town.
Hopefully Mr Lammy will return to the fray and explain to us why party political expediency is the only game in town within the Westminster village?
When it comes to power in New York City, Michael Bloomberg is the only game in town — but that doesn't mean there are no other players.
Blair will be relieved by yesterday's result and will doubtless make an early gesture to Kennedy to remind Lib Dems why co-operation is the only game in town.
«I've always believed political change requires political parties... and to be frank, the SNP was the only game in town for me.»
Until recently NASA was the only game in town for aspiring astronauts like Shiro.
«It may be that Pan-STARRS is the only game in town for a while,» says Brian Marsden, who heads the Minor Planet Center at the Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Massachusetts, US.
But, then, somehow, someway, in dispensing with uncertainty over the nature of female orgasm and making their argument that the clitoris is the only game in town, they say it is simply a «female penis» and conclude that orgasm is «always possible» in all women, «with effective stimulation».
«Given the situation, case - by - case documentation is the only game in town,» says Michael Spagat of Royal Holloway College in London.
«The message we're not trying to put out there is that mechanics is the only game in town,» she said.
Still, if you like to drive fast and terrify three cossetted passengers and also need to telegraph your status, the Maybach is the only game in town.
But come 2018, Tesla won't be the only game in town anymore, and it would do well to act accordingly — as would Model X buyers.
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