Sentences with phrase «to be the same way»

My best friend in college was the same way with jeans... absolutely refused to wear them.
My husband is the same way about the tv, but we don't have it over the fireplace in this house.
My 24 yr old daughter was the same way when I finally changed the color of her room!
My daughter was the same way in high school.
Running my life is the same way as running a race.
My husband is the same way so I can only imagine your excitement.
Your dog is the same way with the same instincts.
I have an 8 month old little girl who is the same way.
That's too funny that your mom is the same way!
My son is the same way with bananas but loves these muffins enough not to care that there is a banana in them.
The one in real life that I know are the same way also.
My oldest was the same way and I tried everything besides letting him cry it out because it broke my heart.
, and I knew other people were the same way about their pets.
Everyone wants a cozy bedroom, and your baby is the same way.
My kids are the same way no matter how many times I say that I will not make more than one meal for lunch or dinner.
The way I'm eating now is the same way that my mother and grandmother cooked their meals.
Men are so cute — My hubby is the same way — way too logical!
My boyfriend is the same way, but he actually enjoyed this one.
I feel like my life has been the same way lately - busy but nothing major to tell!
My Asian parents were the same way when I was growing up.
With auto insurance, some people are able to save by switching from comprehensive car insurance to a more standard policy; motorcycle insurance is the same way.
I think most of what we do in church is the same way.
My little guy is the same way about potatoes.
My wife is the same way, so I know we don't have to worry about living in a big city.
It sounds like your father was the same way — what a gift!
I would imagine the big video companies are the same way, and I would have to do some research to figure out where I might fit in to my greatest satisfaction.
One final way to keep costs down at your business is the same way you can keep costs down in your personal life: watch out for bills.
I would never go back to another product, and I think you'll be the same way once you try it.
OMG, I am so happy I read all the comments, my little boy is the same way.
Funny story, my brother was the same way about his veggies.
Video is the same way — great for quick clips and grabs but you're not going to be filming your wedding with it that's for sure.
If your cats are the same way, this wall - mounted solution might do the trick.
The audience at my screening was the same way as they were very vocal with their applause and laughing.
Credit is the same way, there may not be any glaring signs that things are damaging your credit — but that doesn't mean that you're in the clear.
For lots of rational modern folks, the natural way to look at truly hard choices is the same way we look at any other choice.
Anything worth taking seriously is worth laughing about, and faith is the same way.
Perhaps so, I just made for he first time and my first batch was the same way.
We found the bottom to be watery and think that the pies are the same way, Is it possible to fix this?
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