Sentences with phrase «to be toxic to cats»

In the same way that chocolate is toxic to cats and dogs, some fruits and vegetables are too.
Many natural preparations contain essential oils, and some of these oils are toxic to cats.
And because the medication that kills heartworms in dogs is toxic to cats, there is currently no approved treatment available for cats with heartworm disease.
Many over-the-counter, human, and pet medications are toxic to cats.
I admit, sometimes I give in, which I shouldn't do because many foods for humans are toxic to cats.
Additionally, a great number of flea control products are toxic to cats, but, despite them being clearly labeled for dog use only, wind up sending cats to the hospital.
Birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy medications for human women can be toxic to cats at high enough doses.
Many household and garden items are toxic to cats and are listed in cat care books.
He could jump onto something hot or find some food that's toxic to cats up there.
While dogs tend to be most commonly affected largely due to their eating habits, chocolate can indeed be toxic to cats, as well as other pets.
Many of these may not work, and some of the substances are toxic to cats and other animals.
Be aware that some human food such as onions, chocolate, and grapes, among other foods are toxic to both cats and dogs.
Though less well - known, chocolate can also be toxic to cats, leading to diarrhea, vomiting, blood pressure drop, breathing troubles, and even heart failure.
Unfortunately, most arthritis medications are toxic to cats — so until now, there was just very little that veterinarians could do.
Any kind of lily plant is toxic to cats, according to Jennifer Jones Shults, DVM.
Remember — all parts of lilies are toxic to cats, who can become very sick and die from a small exposure.
Labelling toxic products: clearly label flowers, plants and household products that are toxic to cats so cat owners know which to avoid 9.
Chocolate is toxic to cats because it contains theobromine and caffeine.
I'm constantly worried that Franz & Gertie will get into my flowers because so many flowers are toxic to cats.
There are several product categories that lend themselves well to green marketing in the cat department: Litter & Pan Liners Clumping clay litters are often strip - mined and can be toxic to cats if ingested.
Easter Treats and Decorations Keep lilies and candy in check — chocolate goodies are toxic to cats and dogs, and all true lilies can be fatal if ingested by cats.
There is some debate over whether xylitol is toxic to cats, but according to the ASPCA, it can prompt a sudden release of insulin in cats, resulting in low blood sugar, a condition known as hypoglycemia.
Pyrethrins, while effective against fleas are TOXIC to cats.
Many cleansers, and even fabric softeners and dryer sheets with cationic detergents are toxic to cats.
Many other varieties of the lily family, including tiger, day, rubrum, stargazer, and Japanese show are toxic to cats and can cause kidney failure within 72 hours.
Antifreeze is toxic to cats and dogs, so you'll also want to wipe up any spills.
Many standard pain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or Tylenol are toxic to cats.
Water additives used to preserve tree life are toxic to cats.
Some over-the-counter products contain pyrethrins or permethrins, which can be toxic to cats causing drooling, vomiting, and shaking.
Feeding your cat too many treats between mealtimes can also lead to rapid weight gain, while fatty scraps of meat and other human foods will not only cause your cat's body fat mass to increase, but could potentially be toxic to your cat and can lead to other serious health problems.
Because pyrethrins are toxic to cats, most over the counter products that contain these have very low levels of them.
I found out after the fact that Dieffenbachias are toxic to cats.
Toilet bowl detergents and disinfectants that we use to maintain the cleanliness of our toilets are toxic to cats, and bacteria that tend to proliferate in toilet bowls can be very harmful to cats.
«Ammonia is toxic to cats and people in the household,» Halligan explained.
News Bites Canned Food Prices Going Up Alpha Lipoic Acid is Toxic to Cats Same Food, Different...
Steer clear of: Cherries are toxic to cats and dogs, and grapes and raisins can cause kidney damage.
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