Sentences with phrase «to be unsatisfactory»

With some MPs struggling to handle the levels of abuse they receive online, while others avoid social media altogether, the current situation is unsatisfactory for politicians and citizens alike.
The National Center on Intensive Intervention defines Intensive Instructional Intervention as additional or alternative intervention programs to the core curriculum conducted in small groups or individually with evidence of efficacy for improving academic outcomes for students whose performance is unsatisfactory in the core program.
His ending is unsatisfactory because the problems he pinpoints are so intractable, so — as he demonstrates — inextricable from American history, that their solution is necessarily utopian and, so, very unlikely.
This first answer is unsatisfactory as the Government has clearly stated that members of the National Indigenous Council are not appointed in a representative capacity.
From a Catholic perspective, this answer is unsatisfactory.
When the term of your loan or the interest rate are unsatisfactory, you can choose other options to make more mortgage more manageable, such as refinancing.
But this approach is unsatisfactory, as Kraft discovered when a Nigerian church leader pointed out to him that the Bible commands both that we not steal and that we not allow women to pray with their heads uncovered, and then asked why missionaries teach that the one command be obeyed and the other ignored: are they using a different Bible?
«The application of s 75 to overseas credit card purchases has long been uncertain, which is unsatisfactory for UK consumers,» he adds.
The eight English regional assemblies proposed by the last Labour government in 2003 were an unsatisfactory solution too.
«Urologic conditions such as overactive bladder adversely impact millions of individuals, and the current treatment options are unsatisfactory for many patients.
Gannett — which owns USA Today and a number of other prominent U.S. titles, including the Detroit Free Press and the Arizona Republic — reportedly sent its official bid to Tribune Publishing on April 12, but the media giant decided to make the offer public on Monday after getting what it suggested was an unsatisfactory response from Tribune management.
Moller - Maersk reported net profit ahead of most analysts» forecasts Thursday but added its performance was unsatisfactory.
If the ending is unsatisfactory or abrupt, the reader will remember the book unfavorably, and will probably give it a bad review.
And then there is the unsatisfactory turn of events in Cat's love life that must be attended to.
Both alternatives are unsatisfactory from the process perspective expressed in this book.
Please tell me exactly what was unsatisfactory in your end product and I'll do my best to assist you.
Gilbert Ryles» famous critique of dualism, for example, is unsatisfactory since in the final analysis it differs little from the old - fashioned materialism of behaviorists like J.B. Watson, for whom distinct «inner» states of awareness do not exist.18 In general, it is «irritating» to Lewis that so many distinguished philosophers fail to recognize the appropriateness of «the Platonic - Cartesian way.
The local public school was unsatisfactory, to say the least.
I consider that what has happened is unsatisfactory so far as justice and the rule of law are concerned,» he said.
Marx is a materialist, and as part of his project he claims that religion is something people cling to when their economic / material lives are unsatisfactory [Read more @ SEP].
She answers, but is immediately embarrassed by what she feels is an unsatisfactory response.
If that one also is unsatisfactory, they are no longer candidates for certification.
In brief: Supreme Court decides not to follow a decision of the European Court of Human Rights because its reasons are unsatisfactory This is a...
Justin wrote to the insurance company's internal dispute resolution section describing what works was unsatisfactory and he also pointed out that the insurer is responsible for the quality of authorised repairs and they must perform the required work.
Hence by the criterion of Ockham's razor it too is unsatisfactory.
They were also increased if the first experience had been an unsatisfactory one with a man or boy.
If that law is unsatisfactory, then the SCC can change it.
The bids were unsatisfactory, and the sale went to an open - outcry auction a few days later.
The uniform was unsatisfactory, however, and Special Forces quickly adopted the tiger stripe camouflage used by rangers in the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, as seen on this sergeant first class in February 1968.
Clients expect the companies they hire to have skilled professionals, so if the work performed is unsatisfactory, trouble is right around the corner.
The Obama administration, in the face of what it deemed to be unsatisfactory congressional action on climate change, was muscular in its use of Clean Air Act rulemaking.
Sleepless, and caffeine - fueled, nights in the library, complete with ongoing panic attacks and sharply decreased odds of maximizing our GPA were the unsatisfactory result.
You see, I don't think you and I have the same concept of freedom; therefore, what ever I answer you may well be unsatisfactory to you.
There are some among these whose anomalous status may even be the clue to their canonical role: like the friends of Job they provoke to deeper consideration even though — or just because — their own proposals are unsatisfactory
Certainly the attempt to equate pastoral care with the total work of ministry is unsatisfactory; for that simply uses an uncriticized metaphor as an imperialistic declaration about the ministry as a whole, and thus concrete meaning is lost from the metaphor.
Given that supernaturalistic dualism and materialistic atheism are unsatisfactory, a third way suggests itself.
(Actually, Cobb could be quoted on the other side of both issues — which leaves little doubt that his whole discussion of relativism is unsatisfactory.)
Though there are many reasons why such a stance is unsatisfactory, we select two.
To some extent, and this is a point sometimes missed, arguing simply for the limited freedom for the Church to act as she desires in her own limited sphere is unsatisfactory, because it appears to abdicate the Church's responsibility to proclaim the truth for all people in all cultures.
Dalgleish's failing as a human being... is that he is very careful to avoid commitment; detecting is in a sense an ideal job for him, because although he is constantly interfering with other people, finding things out about them and coming into their lives in a very dramatic way, he must remain detached — he'd be an unsatisfactory policeman otherwise.
That understanding will no doubt be unsatisfactory both to the mighty warriors of the Coalition and to the secularists who cheer Ms. Atwood's slander of evangelical religion.
It would be safe to conclude that Whitehead recognizes that in these types of situations the sole use of persuasion is unsatisfactory and that coercion is morally required.
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