Sentences with phrase «to be up to the task»

Make sure your means of delivery is up to the task of generating meaningful engagement.
He acknowledges that there was concern that graduates of the program, with relatively little experience, would not be up to the task of running schools.
He had felt uncomfortable and uncertain about fulfilling the new contracts; now he would find creative, passionate people who were up to the task.
He cites a personal experience: One former employer failed to ensure a new software system was up to the task before exiting the old one.
Before you go out on a job hunt for a new position in the field of social work, you must make sure your resume is up to the task.
That combined with the fact that the teens in this house party are so poorly drafted that, even if the actors were up to the task, they're just not interesting.
This video answers that question, showing the 700 - hp track car is up to the task.
However, whether or not either of these players are up to the task of replacing the 29 - year - old is another question entirely.
You're more likely to have a successful pregnancy when your body is up to the task.
We constantly ask if our schools are up to the task of optimizing every moment of every day for each one of our students.
The one question that remains is if the insurance companies are up to the task?
Our highly trained writers are up to the task, and they know what it takes to write a thesis that will pave the way for your future.
Whether it's too late will be left to the market, but the phone is up to the task to compete with other high - end Android phones.
Now that we have learned some of the amazing things therapy dogs can do, let's find out which breeds are up to the task.
This film wasn't done on the cheap - It looks good and the cast is up to the task.
Thankfully, it sounds like the developers are up to the task.
This is common practice in every developed country in the world and our children are up to the task.
Unfortunately, I believe that few employees are up to the task of performing and interpreting water tests in a reasonably accurate way.
Luckily, a plethora of new software and service tools are up to the task.
The only question now is which law firms are up to the task?
These white ceramic ones are up to the task but what we love most is the sweet detail sitting atop each.
Players will need to be up to the task on every shot, exactly how it should be.
The aspirations of current education reforms can only be attained if the talent in our classrooms and school buildings is up to the task.
If you don't feel that your current vet is up to the task, then find another veterinarian who is more experienced with treating ferrets.
With social media now driving almost a third of all referral traffic, it's absolutely critical that those responsible for driving these referrals are up to the task.
It's an ambitious goal, but it's unclear if the nation is up to the task.
If you want to move government social programs to the private sector, you better show that the private sector is up to the task first.
Do your due diligence to ensure all play structures are up to the task.
It has equally been up to the task of capacity building by educating women on how they could be useful to their immediate society, hence, interacting positively with their fellow women.
When entering the resistant starch realm, you may not have a gut microbiome that's up to the task initially.
I'm going to give it a break, and see if my heart's up to the task.
We believe in bringing love to everyone who is serious about finding it and we work hard to ensure that our match suggestions are up to the task.
They might offer more college - prep courses, especially for those pupils with the most promise, and make sure the teachers are up to the task.
The number of electrical items being used in schools continues to increase, so you need to check the fixed wiring is up to the task.
Some teaches are reluctant to use hands - on projects because they have concerns about whether their students are up to the task of collaborating in the classroom.
The key message here is to be sure that your LMS is up to the task.
Parents will continue to send their students to these schools, whether for religious reasons or because they mistakenly believe school leaders are up to the task of providing a sound education.
The eight - speed automatic gearbox is up to the task, shifting quickly when you're accelerating.
Thank goodness the air - conditioning unit was up to the task of cooling things off quickly.
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