Sentences with phrase «to be with one's kids»

It is also worth noting that you can not be with your kids at all times.
Most definitely pinned What is it with kids and avocados?
I'm a single parent who enjoys being with my kids, i just love kids.
Yes, it sucks that after your divorce, you will no longer be with your kids all the time.
It's tiring to be with your kids at someone else's house.
Students consistently gave the feedback that their favorite part of the camp was that it felt great to be with kids who shared similar interests.
During the summer, you might be with your kids more often.
They want to have the first option to be with the kids before third parties are asked.
It reminds me of how I never quite understood what the phrase «quality time» was supposed to mean when talking about being with your kids.
And do NOT let the director try to sell you the idea that the problem is with the kids.
Running downstairs and not being allowed to go into the den until my parents were with us kids..
Is it just me or are there more time commitments and places we have to be with our kids compared to when we were growing up?
Our situation is quite unusual since I can only be with my kid half of the week.
«The only time I put on weight recently was with the kids,» she says.
I enjoy many activities including being with my kids and grand kids.
I enjoy being with my kids, and if they think that makes me a hero, that's great.
I loved being with my kids, and I began to find creative outlets in and around the home.
These are a few products that will ensure your six month kid's safety because for parents it is hard to be with kids all the time.
What is it with kids and bubble gum ice cream?
He cites a study that found that dads often shift their priorities after divorce, such as leaving the workforce or cutting back on hours, to be with their kids more.
We only have one chance to be with our kids before they grow up.
Too often we jump to the conclusion that the problem is with the kid.
On a parent yahoo group I frequent, one parent lamented «what's with kids on iPhones in restaurants?!»
He seemed sad by my decision as he knows my passion for it, but there are a list of things to get done that I want to accomplish that I can't while being with my kids all day and blogging almost full time.
I have a USA based dairy free breastfeeding / supplementing or for just mama's with kids with allergies group on Facebook.
At least I'll get to be with my kids again sooner.»
I opted to be with my kids rather than babysit grouchy directors.
I've never been with my kids and gone, «Man, it'd be so great if I was on a movie set right now.»
There are a number of other tablet players that are looking at the educational and childrens» markets, acknowledging how resonant the devices have been with kids so far, and what kind of potential that can hold.
We were ground floor in the 1400 block and found that this was a great location to be with kids since it was sort of central to everything (although everything is relatively close since the resort isn't really large.)
Meier explained, «when mothers are with their kids, they are more often by themselves.
Gallardo will now be with his kids until March 19th, when he has to return to his base in Kansas.
I wasn't happy with Korn for the last few years because my heart was with my kid.
Wenger will be with his kids Giroud, Walcott and Wilshire.
I am currently nursing baby number 2, and working full time (hubby is with the kids during the day, horror of horrors).
As Margaret K. Nelson, a sociology professor at Middlebury College, notes, trying to balance a demanding job with the pressure moms feel to be with their kids means they're more at risk of divorce or separation; there's just less time for their husbands.
The higher divorce rate among women with high - pressure careers could therefore be both a cause and a consequence of intense devotion to one's children: These mothers may find that the only reliable, and persistent, relationships are those with their kids.
I found what I wanted: a meaningful career that lets me make use of both my interest and education in science and my love for the German and English languages, and that at the same time allows me to be with my kids almost as much as I want to be.
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