Sentences with phrase «to be worth one's weight in gold»

A good warranty is worth its weight in gold for an ergonomic office chair.
Those who have moved on are worth their weight in gold in the marketplace.
When you hire a professional resume writer, you won't spend nearly as long looking for a job, which is worth its weight in gold if you are unemployed.
I've never attended a writers conference but i have heard the good ones are worth their weight in gold.
Choosing your renovations can be worth its weight in gold if you play your cards right.
There is no doubt that private school teachers are worth their weight in gold.
Research shows that, on average, screening programs are worth their weight in gold.
In a competitive market, relationships with good brokers are worth their weight in gold, since they come across the best deals first.
However, it's worth mentioning that our collective experience is worth its weight in gold!
A good PR company is worth its weight in gold, so it pays dividends to do your due diligence when it comes time to bring one on board.
A good substantive editor is worth her weight in gold — however you choose to pay that gold.
In these moments, a reliable backup device charger is worth its weight in gold.
A business degree from this golden university is worth its weight in gold, literally.
A good word from the inside is worth its weight in gold when it comes to winning business within the organization.
Simple sites are worth their weight in gold for the small business owner.
Priced at under $ 40, this incredible pillow is worth its weight in gold.
And as you moms know a restful night sleep is worth its weight in gold.
And let's face it convenience is worth its weight in gold when you're a sleep - deprived new mom.
A good breast pump is worth its weight in gold and will enable you to become far more independent.
The results, though, are invaluable: Baby products that make life easier are worth their weight in gold, and the chance to support a fellow mom makes it even better.
And anything that allows me to train harder and reach my goals quicker is worth its weight in gold to me.
It's quite a laundry list of things to look for, but you've got to be picky, after all, a great workout buddy is worth their weight in gold.
Anything with demonstrated efficacy that also has that effect on the psyche is worth its weight in gold.
If zucchini were worth their weight in gold we be would be the richest people in the world.
Always cool, wear - everywhere easy and supremely flattering, a good pair of jeans is worth its weight in gold.
To say that these fans are worth their weight in gold might be an exaggeration, but they are certainly worth the cost of one book, especially in the digital age.
Editors and proof readers are worth their weight in gold: if you could afford them you wouldn't be reading this.
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