Sentences with phrase «to bear false witness»

Because I was wondering, what does god say about bearing false witness?
There are christians out there who are willing to bear false witness in order to elevate themselves and their beliefs.
No, not, but thank you for judging me and bearing false witness on me.
We often give one another a pass when someone bears false witness because they were being passionate for truth; or at least for a truth that they believe is being attacked.
If you are bearing false witness against me, you should explain your reasons for doing so.
There seems to be a consistent pattern of bearing false witness against brothers and sisters in Christ in the name of truth.
If your god does indeed exist, you only condemn yourself in his eyes by bearing false witness.
I'll see you then chief (if that is really what God judges me to have done, but I doubt that very much), since those who bear false witness go to hell also.
You have hounded me with your criticisms countless times and you still bear false witness against me and simply make up your own reality pertaining to my motives.
We know, none so well, how stained is our national record; we know with what envious eyes our own business and military and political Ahabs regard the inheritance of Third World Naboths and take it, if necessary after bearing false witness against Naboth.
I have always found it very ironic that people are so willing to break the Eighth Commandment forbidding bearing false witness against neighbour, to maintain «Biblical morality».
The church for too long as beared a false witness, essentially lied about the true nature of God, by committing itself to everything else, BUT LOVE!
These are the same «Christians» who have no problem with bearing false witness in their quest for coveted oil, or eye - for - an - eye revenge (depending on the version of history offered), and who are willing to murder to innocents to accomplish those goals?
nice... name call after you have already born false witness.
All I see from Santorum is condemnation for his neighbor, Santorum bears false witness of his neighbor (anyone who differs in religion), and lies... Even when videotaped Santorum accuses the «liberal media» of spinning his words.
I take offense to that portion of your comment because because I am a US Marine and have been one for a long time and have served in combat and none of us remotely said or thought we were going to war in the name of God, so you are not only bearing false witness, you are also condemning military service (Exodus 20 and Matthew 22; Matthew 7:1 - 3) without understanding that many join the military because of the poor job markets.
For only as we do does the need to bear false witness begin to fade, and the vicious, self - serving attacks of our human tongues upon the sacredness of life begin to cease.
Although I did hear a sermon from a (supposedly) non evangelist minister telling me that Christianity is illegal in China, I told him after church that he should do some googling and then work on his own Bearing False Witness before he tried to stoke the religious anger against the evil godless commies.
It struck me most forcefully when I saw one well - known polemic pastor bear false witness against some friends of mine, be confronted on it, admit he was wrong, and then not publicly address, retract, or apologize for what he said.
In response to your accusation of Alfonzo Muchanzo bearing false witness; just read the atheist comments here or anywhere else.
Perhaps it is time for the so called Christians to quit bearing false witness and realize that it is not their faith that is being attacked but the use of their faith to justify Bigotry!
Cecilia and Robbie declare their love for each other, but he is arrested â $ «and with Briony bearing false witness, the course of three lives is changed forever.
I tried pointing out to some fundamentalist climate science deniers that last I heard bearing false witness — which they were doing openly and quite fervently — was a sin.
John Wesley said bearing false witness is «speaking falsely in any matter» including «lying, equivocating, and any way devising and designing to deceive our neighbour,» or to speak «unjustly against our neighbour, to the prejudice of his reputation.»
You have just borne false witness against another, lied, spoken for God, cast the first stone, judged instead of waiting for God's judgment.
If you're a Christian you should be asking forgiveness for bearing false witness.
You see, god doesn't mind if I break the commandment about bearing false witness, because I'm pretending to be someone else.
What's amazing is all this hatred from supposed Christians, who bear false witness and play the victim.
The Egyptians would cut off the nose and ears of one found guilty of bearing false witness in a trial.
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