Sentences with phrase «to become a statistic»

The phrase "to become a statistic" means to experience something that is part of a larger trend or pattern, often in the context of negative outcomes such as injury, illness or death. Full definition
The more support you have, the better your chances of not becoming a statistic.
After all, this is what homeowners with mortgage trouble really want to know — how to avoid becoming another statistic by avoiding home foreclosure in the first place!
The good news is, you can prevent your companion from becoming a statistic by making a lifelong commitment to pet dental care, both professionally and at home.
So many of us judge pet owners who are having trouble caring for their pets but so few are willing to help until that same pet becomes a statistic in a shelter.
Large businesses will often let their interns become a statistic in intern history — unless they made an ingenious discovery and consequently a large sum of money whilst they were employed!
You do not have to let your kid become a statistic in a world where obesity is increasing at an alarming rate.
Place their crib in your room, next to your bed, so baby can have a safe place to sleep and not become a statistic because you made a poor decision.
Didn't want to wait for a recall and maybe become a statistic.
If you put your practice on cruise control, you'll just become another statistic.
We will never treat you like a statistic, and we don't want anyone else to become a statistic either.
Avoid becoming a statistic with this company's 5 - hour drivers education classes.
Everyone doubts they'll ever become a statistic until the unexpected happens.
We are going to give you guys some great tips so that you don't become a statistic.
While there are many reasons for startup failure, there are some ways to avoid becoming another statistic.
Don't let your pet become a statistic — we're here to help!
It takes an intentional, consistent effort to prevent your relationship from becoming a statistic.
Don't become a statistic of the most reported fraud in 2015 that cost victims $ 14,214 on average.
It's a parent's worst nightmare: that their child becomes another statistic in the growing number of teenage suicides.
This is the pre-parenting work that I am now doing with couples to fortify them against becoming another statistic in relationship breakdown, and to eradicate the atmosphere that can result in perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.
I was given a message from my higher self to get my mind right, body right, if not, I was going to become another statistic like most taínos and myelinated people who love highly processed, greasy foods.
«I feared becoming the statistic of yet another young teacher leaving the profession.
Take care of any issues you may feel needs attention, and do not become a statistic stranded in the cold due to procrastinating any service issue that needs addressed.
As fast and nimble as a 5,000 pound car can possibly be, accelerating hard and cornering respectably well, yet able to absorb the worst of potholes and float across rutted dirt roads, all while offering enough passive and active safety features to make me not worry about becoming a statistic.
Asha became a statistic: a single, black mother in New York City.
Thursday is a day for all of us to remember those who died without a home as well as to refocus our efforts on finding homes for those dogs and cats that are sitting in our shelters right now who need homes or are at risk for becoming another statistic.
Instead of letting his grief get the better of him or seeking revenge, Mr. McCarthy resolved not to allow his daughter to simply become another statistic.
Avoid becoming another statistic by knowing what types of homes burglars like — and behaviors they're looking for.
Every parent of a small baby or parent - to - be is wondering, «Will my child become a statistic?
In more individual terms, do we really mean to allow the Methodist family from Dayton that joins the Baptists in Houston to become a statistic of political or ideological change?
We are a drop off and distribution point for Pet Buddies Food Pantry — a group that helps low - income families keep their pets at home by offering food and supplies — and even free spay / neuter — a simple solution to keeping pets from becoming a statistic in shelters.
That way they can never become a statistic,» said Jennifer Barker, FCNMHP Chief Operating Officer.
Don't become a statistic, but don't let the hackers scare you away from online commerce.
Here are a few tips you can take to help avoid becoming the statistic:
But most of us possess the wistful ability to convince ourselves that it won't be our venture that becomes the statistic.
Don't become a statistic.
Through our words and actions, we demonstrate that we reinforce acceptable safety practices and stop unsafe acts before they become a statistic.
I hope he doesn't become a statistic.
Prevent your child from becoming a statistic, call 888.481.7233
You become a statistic: one of the 41 % of US mothers who wean before 3 months.
I was acutely aware of the health risks that came with being overweight and was scared that, unless I did something, I would become another statistic.
These days if you are not actively engaging in protecting and preserving your fertility it's all too likely that you too will become a statistic.
You have a 1 in 4 chance of becoming a statistic.
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