Sentences with phrase «to become attorney general»

The phrase "to become attorney general" means to be appointed or elected as the chief legal officer of a government. Full definition
The former state senator became attorney general in 2010 and had been running for re-election this year.
At all times throughout the course of the campaign, the confirmation process, and since becoming attorney general, I have dedicated myself to the highest standards.
«She wasn't the kind of person Eric [Schneiderman] would have had anything to do with — and when Schneiderman became attorney general [in 2011], one of the first things he started doing was investigating Huntley,» the source said.
Although Trump did not attend, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R - Ala., a top Trump confidant who became his attorney general, attended one meeting of the group with Page in late summer, the campaign adviser said.
Back in November 2016, John Hudak, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said that if Sessions became attorney general, he would have the power to rescind the Department of Justice memos issued under the Obama administration that have allowed marijuana companies to exist without fear of DEA raids.
Former President Emilio Portes - Gil, who then became attorney general, wrote in 1935: «The Church is the formidable enemy which the Constitution of 1857 had to face.
No anti-abortion candidate has been elected in New York statewide since 1994, when Dennis Vacco became Attorney General.)
But seriously the former President can not be in line for the Presidency, so no Speaker, or any Secretary position, as a lawyer he also can't become the Attorney General.
Given his success exposing shady dealings in Albany, City Hall and on Wall Street, Mr. Bharara (a former aide to Mr. Schumer) could well become the attorney general for the United States under a Clinton administration — or, given that Ms. Clinton set up her controversial «homebrew» email server on his turf, he could wind up leading the investigation that denies her the White House.
«Eric Schneiderman became the attorney general because of that endorsement.
Following the second major cabinet reshuffle by President Mills, Amidu became the Attorney general and Minister for Justice of Ghana.
Bondi, a Republican, defeated Democratic State Senator Dan Gelber in 2010 and became the Attorney General of the State of Florida.
If Pruitt were to become the attorney general, he would not be recused from the Russia investigation and could theoretically fire the special counsel.
He publicly wondered whether she had been promised a Supreme Court seat or to become attorney general to «lay off Hillary.»
Moore is running in Alabama against Democrat Doug Jones on 12th December in a special election to fill the vacancy left by Jess Sessions who left to become Attorney General.
They both calculated that if they became the attorney general they could use and abuse that office for political gain.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio urged New York City Public Advocate Letitia James to reconsider seeking the Working Families Party's nomination in her bid to become attorney general.
If it goes ahead as planned the magistrates and crown courts will fall apart within the first few months of him becoming attorney general.
Schneiderman, who won a state Senate seat representing a Manhattan district in 1998, became attorney general in 2010 and is running for re-election this year.
Schneiderman, who won a state Senate seat representing a Manhattan district in 1998, became attorney general in 2010 and had been running for re-election this year.
With that in mind, Deal Journal colleague Kyle Stock decided to ask the the six candidates vying to become New York's next attorney general two simple questions: How do you feel about the work Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has done on Wall Street compensation and if you become attorney general, what steps, if any, do you plan to take regarding Wall Street compensation?
Jeremy Wright, the last one, has become attorney general.
He became governor, and his rival, Eric Schneiderman, became attorney general.
Schneiderman, 63, who won a state Senate seat representing a Manhattan district in 1998, became attorney general in 2010.
Ms. James's interest in becoming attorney general is not her first flirtation with a public office other than the one she currently holds.
«When I became Attorney General about 12 years later in Lagos State, I was a trained Attorney General.
One Republican in the know said that Donovan needed convincing to run and would take a $ 40,000 pay cut if he were to become attorney general.
«Thankfully I worked with him when he was deputy attorney general and when he became attorney general too I worked with him.
«Rae [Premier Bob Rae] wanted to know my interest in becoming Attorney General....
More recently, Wally Oppal left the B.C. Court of Appeal in 2005 to run for Gordon Campbell's Liberals and became Attorney General.
His appointment to the B.C. Court of Appeal was one he presumably sought, yet he was there for only about three years before jumping at the chance to become Attorney General.
He appoints a long time anti-choice opponent to become Attorney General.
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