Sentences with phrase «to become insulin resistant»

To become insulin resistant means that a person's body is no longer responding effectively to the hormone insulin, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. Full definition
Eventually your cells become insulin resistant, and your body starts to hold on to that spare tire for dear life.
When this happens your body becomes insulin resistant meaning you need more and more insulin to get your glucose out of the blood and into your cells.
If you ate two pounds of potatoes every day then you would probably become insulin resistant, if your level of activity was normal.
That's especially true if you eat whole grains or refined grains as the base of your diet; you'll eat so many carbohydrates that you'll become insulin resistant fast.
When you eat too much for prolonged periods of time, the body also starts producing more of it which can ultimately lead to the cells becoming insulin resistant.
To stop insulin from pushing more glycogen in, the stores become insulin resistant, meaning that they become less responsive when stimulated by insulin.
With poor insulin sensitivity, your body becomes insulin resistant.
Another method is for cells to throttle back the processing of glucose during lean times by becoming insulin resistant, which blocks insulin from entering the cell and in essence rations the supply of glucose to last longer while also creating a powerful hunger impulse to drive people to find food.
In NAFLD, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes, hepatocytes become insulin resistant, and glucose builds up in the blood.
Importantly, unlike human or other diet - induced rodent models of NAFLD, rodents fed MCD diets lose weight (due to a vastly lower caloric intake) and do not become insulin resistant (9, 19).
But insulin resistance is known to be induced, for example, by overconsumption of calories, leading to normally the liver first becoming insulin resistant and developing hepatic insulin resistance.
Normal mice become insulin resistant during the day, when the nocturnal animals are mostly sleeping.
You could be on the verge of becoming insulin resistant (pre-diabetic) or have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or even Type II diabetic.
Fat is your fuel source when keto adapted and your muscles will become insulin resistant so they use their preferred fuel source (ketones) not glucose.
This is called becoming insulin resistant and is a stepping - stone to diabetes.
The problem now is many people are becoming insulin resistant due to this hormones overuse in our high sugar diets.
And, if not done smartly, prolonged fasting becomes actual starvation, which can paradoxically cause the body to become insulin resistant [7].
Our muscle cells dump their magnesium (magnesium relaxes us, but the brain thinks we need to be tense), and **** cells become Insulin Resistant.
Elevated insulin occurs when your energy stores become insulin resistant; when more insulin has to be produced by your pancreas to make them respond.
When the body becomes insulin resistant, the cells are no longer able to respond to or uptake glucose.
If the fasting blood glucose is trending upwards (> 100) then you are probably becoming insulin resistant and could be suffering from Syndome X.
When your liver becomes insulin resistant, it can't convert thyroid hormone T4 into the T3, so you get those unexplained «thyroid problems», which continue to lower your energy and metabolism.
This health concern is nothing to play with because it can cause your body to become insulin resistant, causing further damage your cardiovascular health.
Alzheimer's is considered more as diabetes type 3 because the brain cells have become insulin resistant, disabling glucose / oxygen metabolism.
Specifically, the researchers studied the bones of rats that had a predisposition to overeat, which caused the rats to gain weight and become insulin resistant.
But excessive sugar is toxic to cells, so after years of glucose and insulin overload, the cells can become insulin resistant and may no longer allow insulin to easily push glucose inside them.
Perhaps the last question, the third one that I commonly find being asked, is this interaction between insulin and leptin, and which one becomes insulin resistant, first?
Because obesogens cause the liver to become insulin resistant, the body must produce more insulin to store energy, which causes an increased fat storage, which can lead to obesity.
But if you having these reactions, it indicates you are becoming insulin resistant, and that can mean you are on a path to diabetes, even if your fasting blood sugar is normal.
We have become insulin resistant.
Free fatty acids (FFAs) leave the liver and cause your skeletal muscles to become insulin resistant.
These parts of the brain have become insulin resistant.
People who subject their bodies to this again and again, day after day, year after year, are much more likely to become Insulin Resistant and develop Diabetes.
Some researcher think that fat cells produce a hormone called resistin that causes other cells to become insulin resistant.
I think it is because they become insulin resistant.
So it can put too much there if it becomes insulin resistant.
Repeat that over and over, and your cells become insulin resistant.
When that happens repeatedly, you become insulin resistant.
If your liver has become insulin resistant, it makes too much glucose, provoking even greater blood sugar imbalance.
They become insulin resistant.
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