Sentences with phrase «to become the character»

The flat itself almost becomes a character in the story, with each outsider's arrival as a kind of invasion.
It's certainly no accident that the house used is an extremely modern one, full of glass corridors, open spaces and hidden rooms that allow the camera to almost become another character.
Teachers become characters who add dramatic tension and pose «problems» which the experts, in the form of the children, must solve.
The game challenges players to hold their finger on the screen at all times, with this finger becoming a character within the game.
It's also very detailed and inviting — it has really become another character on the show.
In VR though, sports feel entirely different when you're aren't just controlling a character — you actually become the character.
Your child's urine and bowel movements will basically become characters in the daily drama of your lives.
His carefully chosen locations become characters, presenting American regions with a keen sense of realism.
Well over half of his films take place there and the city becomes a character itself.
Great acting means that viewers forget that they are watching an actor or actress playing a role — the actor fully becomes the character.
Then as the story unfolds, the stereotypes become characters.
Here the various effects of light and shadow become the characters in a timeless drama.
An iconic form becomes a character that plays out narratives of personal and existential anxiety.
The figures in the paintings become characters who engage in conversation with one another, with an impaired narrative unfolding.
Don't become a character in someone else's story.
They will demonstrated understanding of those stories by engaging in acting out portions of the text and becoming characters in the story, accompanied by their grown - up.
If we are already in a neighborhood, and choose to become a character within its story, then we already belong.
With its phallic sculptures, arty paintings, concrete floors, hidden closets and multiple windows, the house becomes a character of its own, eagerly anticipating each horrible visitor who stops by for mischief.
«The Infiltrator» falls between those two: He has to hold our interest and sympathy, but complicated events keep the movie from becoming a character study.
He is as colorless as you can get, and he hasn't demonstrated any knack for becoming a character in people's minds.
we are a football club first and a business second... or should be... this is how all dictatorships end... the colonel of the EPL lost his marbles 5 seasons ago on my estimate... he has become a character from a gabriel garcia marquez short story... or is that just some teenage midfield prodigy he is trying to bring in from the Mexican third division...
«Rather than simply layering in exposition to the narrative or telling you how to feel, the music becomes a character with the same arcs and challenges as the actors on the screen.»
Versu, described as an «interactive reading experience where readers become the characters», is Evans's attempt to correct this.
At no point does Arlen become a character worth rooting for.
With strange details such as chain locks binding a fridge and rotten food on the kitchen table, the house becomes a character and when combined with the actual inhabitants, makes for a perfect horror game backdrop.
Mehretu's works, made in the wake of the recent American election, are frenetic yet contemplative, as her gestures become characters in their collaborative performance.
Shia LeBeouf is showing signs of becoming a character actor in the Brad or Leo vein.
In the Joseph story in Genesis, God brings about his purposes by working within the network of human causes; God never becomes a character within the story with whom other characters interact.
This childlike curiosity and openness to new experiences becomes a character trait.
«One of my core belief, and what my students cite, as my classroom motto, is; «Actions become habits; habits become character; do the right thing!»
Yet what lingers is how quickly this computer - made creature becomes a character.
Gravity becomes a character study driven by a riveting central performance and a radical thrill ride delivered with near real - time urgency which thrusts you through its implausibilities.
It never feels like Franco is mocking Wiseau's mannerisms or pattern of speech and he just becomes the character in a way that's truly impressive.
Jacmel seems to be a German nationalist of some sort, yet the film makes little effort to lend that aspect any specificity, so that Kinski's German accent becomes the character's sole marker of difference.
As the title of the film suggests, the town that «acts» as the ficitonal Ebbing, Missouri becomes a character all its own.
Sure, the movie breaks totally away from its bomber story to become a character piece about Sarah Snook's transgender astronaut - wannabe, but it is so powerful, it is never any less riveting.
The location of San Francisco becomes a character, as its challenging hills are featured prominently, far more prominently than the titular «diaries» which don't really figure at all in the movie.
Director Antonio Campos sets the film up as a possible thriller, then slowly draws you into what becomes a character study of a manipulative sociopath.
Visually beautiful yet barren, the outback becomes a character itself, looming over the narrative, digging its way into the heads» of our cast.
«The shoot was a career high watching Denzel become this character... People ask me about the challenges of shooting in L.A. I've shot all over the world and it's my favorite.
In Haynes» work, the setting becomes a character in and of itself.
And I know it sounds like a lame cliche, but on this movie the environment and landscapes become a character itself, thanks to the wonderful work of Ben Richardson as director of photography.
Negga becomes the character in a really astonishing way.
As a pair of dumpy suburban England schlubs who decide to go camping, Lowe and Oram become these characters, people who are probably together because no one else would have anything to do with them.
What we do know for certain from hands - off previews though is that Red Dead Redemption 2's story will recount the tale of how the villains of the first game, Dutch and the rest of the Van de Linde gang, became the characters Marston turned to hunting down in Red Dead Redemption.
So the language becomes a character too — Elio, played by Timothee Chalamet, transitions seamlessly from English to French to Italian, depending on his mood, on who he's with, on what he's trying to say, or not say.
Despite «Disorder» can not be classified as a horror movie, the mansion where Jessie lives becomes a character of its own, just as in many films pertaining to that genre.
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