Sentences with phrase «to believe a certain way»

The bible was written by a nation of people who believed a certain way and used those writings to encourage their people to stay with a belief system that worked for them and their way of life.
There's some talk about atheism being a belief system and that we CHOOSE to believe a certain way.
We saw we were expected to believe a certain way, and even though we complied for a very long time, the moment finally came where we had to admit we weren't believing it.
I am more concerned with the religious right, Pat Robertson and his cohort telling they know what «God» thinking, and telling me that I have to believe a certain way.
Invoke their system of beliefs on everyone to behave and believe a certain way.
If I take your meaning correctly, you are saying the «I am the way...» thing meant to follow Jesus, rather than believe a certain way?
It has been tried over and over through the centuries, this forcing of people to conform and believe a certain way.
Steve — You sepcifically daid that the suffering was by people who believed a certain way (i.e. they were the ones suffering, with the further implication that their belief caused the suffering), not * caused by * people who believed a certain way.
I see — so theists are tolerant even though they tell trusting children to believe a certain way or they will go to hell and burn forever, and atheists are intolerant for quoting theists and suggesting that people «go godless».
I like to think of the goal as creating contexts for people to belong without requiring that they believe a certain way.
You can say anything to someone who wants to believe a certain way, as long as it goes that way, no matter how unreal.
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