Sentences with phrase «to believe in one's god»

Just because I don't believe in a god does not mean I have the right to make fun of someone else's.
I'm not insecure about people who believe in gods — if they would keep it to themselves I would have very little to say.
And if believing in a god gives you peace and makes you a better person as you move throughout this world, then that's wonderful!
Most atheists just can't believe in a god as stupid as the one described by the bible.
I don't know how they continue to consider themselves religious, but I'm pretty sure they don't really believe in god in the way their religion defines it.
Exactly if you don't believe in a god then how does it hurt you that I do?
Oh... and believing in a god just because you don't want to be wrong?
The evidence that most people don't really believe in god lies in this article.
So you are a believer in only a very narrow sense, and are therefore not very far removed from those who don't believe in any gods at all.
Everyone can get the exact same feeling without believing in a god.
Of course they don't believe in god so they will not speculate or give an opinion that «god created everything».
Stop believing in god if its that much of an issue for you.
I'm fine with someone believing in god, as long as he acknowledges that that is what it is: belief.
If you think actually believing in god is any less silly than what this man believes, you are mistaken.
I was kind of sad the day I realized I only believed in god because belief in god was part of the culture I was raised in.
I will believe in god when you can prove to me that he / she / it exists.
It was due to my reasoning, endless nights of contemplation, and deep inquiries into my faith and faith in general did I conclude that I could no longer believe in god.
Far more proof has been presented scientifically about evolution and the big bang theory than by believing in a god.
If you truly believe in a god then you must accept this world for what it is, not doing so is questioning his supposed «plan» if he even has one.
I have never believed in any gods because I have never had cause to, or reason to.
Religious folks advertise their beliefs as if everyone believes in a god.
While many atheists once believed in a god but not do not I am not the same as them.
More than 90 % of the world's population believe in god in one form or another.
We just do not believe in a god until you produce proof, which you can not.
Only those who already believe in a god, and believe that this god engineered life, sees the mark of this creator wherever they look.
No one is born believing in god, so it can't be the default.
There are dumb people who call themselves atheist, yet actually believe in a god anyway.
You do realize that the majority of the world believes in a god or goddess don't you?
Neither you nor anyone else believed in god (s) when they were born.
So what if somebody believes in a god other than yours?
But I don; t believe in your god at all and never have.
I'm quite sure that less than 50 % of humanity honestly believes in a god.
Why are you «religious» people so hateful just because not everybody believes in your god?
And vast numbers of Asian societies do not believe in gods either.
Certainly, more than 5 % of the world's population is too young to legitimately believe in a god concept.
The trouble is, most people don't want to believe in a god where one of those is relaxed.
I don't believe in any god due to the complete lack of evidence for any of them.
Someone who merely believes in god will get no grief from this kid.
This new pope really makes me want to believe in god again!
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