Sentences with phrase «to belong to the church»

You don't necessarily have to belong to a church in order to get something out of reading a scripture.
I can only imagine the confusion of the people belonging to her church.
I'll never belong to a church or religion that doesn't empower ME.
I actually belong to this Church and while I personally am not getting a tattoo, I advocate it.
Isn't it sad that in a street with 10 houses, the six or seven families belonging to a church probably attend six or seven different churches.
Since he lives in a house belonging to the church he has no equity in a home.
During the past 30 years general television has gradually taken over many of the functions historically belonging to the church.
This was the result of the theological emphasis which gradually emerged within the missionary movement that mission belongs to the church.
Those for whom belonging to a church is a central part of life find this rejection of organized religion hard to accept.
Accordingly, many Protestant churches established schools for the education of children belonging to those churches.
While criminal charges are still pending, a government investigation has concluded that the land belongs to the church.
How do you find new relationships at 50 if you do not belong to a church..?
I have brought this up to people who belong to churches that ask for a lot of money, but never reveal their finances, and they don't know how to handle it.
I would never belong to a Church that treated women in this manner.
In this way the schools continue functions that historically belonged to the churches.
Earlier this week, the National Centre for Social Research said the number of people belonging to the Church of England and other Anglican churches in Britain had halved in less than a decade.
I've never belonged to a church where this was a problem.
Despite the continuing decline both of those attending church each week and those who describe themselves as belonging to the Church of England, «faith» schools continue to account for over a third of all state - funded schools, and all schools, regardless of whether or not they have a religious character, are still obliged to hold a daily act of worship.
The Fathers of the Second Vatican Council wrote in Lumen Gentium of «many elements of sanctification and of truth» outside the Catholic Church's visible structure: «These elements, as gifts belonging to the Church of Christ, are forces impelling toward catholic unity.»
They understood that you can not belong to Jesus without belonging to his Church.
A majority of Christians belong to churches that read Genesis as a fable, with no conflict with evolution.
Becoming a Christian does not mean belonging to a church, doing good things, or simply believing in God.
This book is addressed primarily to those among the disenchanted minority who also belong to churches.
In my experience most people who belong to a church belong to the one that their parents, family and friends have belonged to — the religion that they were brought up with.
Humanist UK's Andrew Copson said: «How can it be right that 97 % of young people today are not Anglicans, but some 20 % of the state schools to which their children will go belong to the Church of England?
Many of the Christian networks require that members belong to a church and meet certain moral standards, such as avoiding drug use and not having sex outside of marriage.
If Hitler believed himself to be a Christian, then he subscibed to the very dangerous «replacement theology» which believes the Jews forfeitted their covenant with God and all God's promises to them now belong to the church.
No one — well, almost no one — in America belongs to a church or synagogue in order to get political signals and find denominationwide company for expressing them.
Yes, there are several scriptures telling us that we have to live on a minimum standard of sanctification to consider ourselves to be saved, the same for belonging to a church, being an elder, bishop or deacon.
Some suggest that Utah's unique Mormon culture — 70 % of the state's population belongs to the church — requires perfection and the public presentation of a happy face, whatever may be happening privately.
But this does not dispense Catholics from belonging to the Church or authorize them to become anonymous Christians themselves.
'» «I discovered so many of my friends were fellow church goers,» he noted, adding that there were «many Catholics, many Protestants, many belonging to churches you've never heard of» with whom he began to discuss his faith.»
I thought the idea that living in a home belonging to the church and getting just over $ 2000 per month for expenses — with access to the food bank — was a «sweet deal» was, well interesting.
While Jeremiah Wright may have scared the ignorant, I rejoiced to learn that Obama belonged to my church.
Some who come to the pastor belong to the Church, either nominally or actively; some once belonged and have left; some have been hurt by their experience in the Church; and some are seeking for the first time to become members of the Body of Christ.
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