Sentences with phrase «to bill out»

I think the only way is if you pay medical bills out of pocket while you're working, keep the receipts, and get delayed reimbursement later on.
Hence we are not billed out at the same rate as that experienced lawyer.
If you accept cash at the scene and do not report the accident to your insurance company, you could end up paying for all of your expensive medical bills out of pocket.
Among the changes sought: letting more members get bills out of committee.
But his legislation died after it was not brought up for discussion before the deadline to move bills out of committee this session.
You can also write checks and pay for bills out of your commercial loan account.
With a smile and a flourish he pulled a dollar bill out of his pocket, snapped it tight between his two hands, turned dramatically and fed it into the machine.
Two of the most common struggles with any law firm, regardless of the size, is capturing billable time and getting bills out in a timely fashion.
In that situation, it's in your best interest to pay the repair bill out of pocket.
She pays vet bills out of her own pocket, because when it is a choice between money and a life, there is no debate.
You're going to have to pay that hospital bill out of pocket — a fact that could significantly cut into your budget for this trip.
Then when you have to fend off large bills out of your own pocket because you did not bother with auto insurance you will regret it.
Don't pay that cell phone bill out of principle.
If I'm budgeting correctly, I don't pay any regular bills out of this fund, as those are expected expenses.
Although veterinary medicine is still a bargain compared to other health services, most of us would be hard pressed to pay a big veterinary bill out of pocket.
To avoid having to pay accident bills out of your own pocket, consider buying more than the bare minimum.
And that means you'll probably have to pick up some outstanding bills out of your own pocket.
You'll get the most money - sucking credit card bills out of the way more quickly, freeing up more of your income to go toward building your savings.
As a result, regulatory lawyers are billed out at a higher rate to stay on par with the more leveraged transactional teams.
This is necessary because otherwise, you could end up paying for future medical bills out of pocket.
Again, it's worth remembering that getting into an accident without insurance is costly, because having to cover repair bills out - of - pocket.
After paying the vet bill out of pocket, you'll be provided with a receipt that you can submit to the insurance company, along with a claim form.
If you don't use the insurance coverage, you may find yourself paying hospital bills out - of - pocket, and worse off following an accident that isn't your fault.
If anything happens to you during that small window in which you do not have insurance, you risk paying huge medical bills out of pocket.
This week, the state Legislature reaches its deadline to pass bills out of their house of origin.
John Kerry has said in reality merely getting the Senate's climate bill out of committee in time for the COP15 UN climate talks in December would be a good start.
*» Star» partners billing out at $ 1,150 - plus an hour have doubled between the first quarter 2012 to first quarter 2013 according to consulting firm Valeo Partners (320 lawyers versus 158 a year earlier);
Hiring a custom designer is typically billed out hourly, from about $ 100 to $ 250 per hour for good talent, so multiple redesigns and iterations can become expensive quickly.
That does not bode well at all for moving the same - sex marriage bill out onto the floor — the a health care exchange bill is too liberal to come up for a vote, how will gay marriage ever make it?
Democrat Henry Waxman is trying to get his party's massive climate change bill out of his committee by Memorial Day.
Through all this, Waxman is sticking to his self - imposed deadline for passing the climate and energy bill out of committee before Congress leaves for its Memorial Day recess, but that's looking less and less likely as the holiday approaches.
Does mundane work magically become QUALITY work when billed out at $ 300 - 800 per hour.
We wrote it a personal check for startup capital, and since then, the LLC has paid all of its own bills out of its checking account (with associated debit card).
I would love to be able to pay my accountant and attorney bills out of my IRA with pre-tax dollars.
If you need a refresher on just how that happens check this out: School House Rock — I'm Just a Bill
Third, bill out H - 1B workers far above their hourly wage to make a massive profit.
A lot of $ 20's and $ 100 counterfeit bills out there.
They take the workmen's elevator to the 50th or 60th floor, and while Charlie hangs onto a girder in fear against the strong wind, Rinaldo sails the $ 50 bills out into space.
«There's several version of pension forfeiture bills out there,» said Assemblyman Dan Stec, a Republican from Queensbury.
They can fish the amendments to the constitutional renewal bill out the dustbin if they need any pointers.
«There are a number of different bills out there and different approaches, including the governor's,» said Scott Reif, a spokesman for Senate Republicans.
With the debt service bill out of the way, there are nine pieces of legislation that have to pass in order for the budget to be approved — four appropriations bills and five Article VII bills (aka «language bills»).
Reps. John Faso and Elise Stefanik insisted that although they believe in the GOP creed of lower taxes, they voted «no» on their party's mammoth tax bill out of concern for their high - tax - state constituents and New York's precarious budgetary situation.
Are we going to bill out Arson, Bomb and Explosive, or BCI unit responses; Town departments lending assistance to another town or county officer; responses by the Rockland County REACT team as done the other day in Orangetown?
«We knew that as long as the Republicans were in charge we couldn't get the simplest, Mickey Mouse bill out of the Senate,» McKee said.
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