Sentences with phrase «to block legislation»

It was a small detail in the larger scheme of things, but enough excuse to block the legislation in committee.
We shouldn't fund or support companies that are actively blocking legislation that would shift markets away from fossil fuels.
In the case, car makers were trying to block legislation limiting greenhouse gas emissions from the auto industry.
As co-leaders of the Senate, Klein and Skelos (R - Nassau County) each have the power to block legislation from coming to the floor for a vote.
The 30 - second spot, entitled «Happening» and produced by Shorr, Johnson and Magnus Strategic Media, is also a response of sorts to the ads the pro-charter movement has been running that blame the teachers unions for blocking legislation that would raise the charter school cap.
The wealthy real estate folks have relied on upstate hick legislators to pass / block legislation favorable to their interests for over a decade?
Most importantly, under the Salisbury Convention the Lords does not block legislation which would enact a manifesto commitment.
Ultimately, Senate Democrats were able to remove the provision from the final bill by citing the «Byrd Rule,» a 1974 provision that allows senators to block legislation during the reconciliation process of negotiations on budgetary matters between House and Senate if that legislation contains material deemed to be «extraneous» to the financial substance of the bill.
As long as the Catholic Church, or any faith, continues to block legislation allowing individual conscience and free choice in abortion, the core of our democratic system is crippled.
Charter advocates, in turn, accuse the unions of blocking legislation that would have boosted the cap and improved the state's chances of winning up to $ 700 million in federal «Race to the Top» cash.
Democratic State Senate candidate Justin Wagner vowed if elected he would block any legislation authorizing any transfer of municipal land for the construction of a proposed natural gas pipeline, a pledge he contended could not be promised by Republican opponent Terrence Murphy based on his voting record in Yorktown.
Republicans this fall want to keep the mayor's office and also hold onto their supermajority on the council, an advantage that gives Democrats no power to pass or block legislation without GOP cooperation.
«For the past seven years and under Governor Cuomo's watch the IDC has been blocking legislation meant to protect tenants.
In this respect I believe that the Brits have a leg up on America, where politicians are so concerned with undermining the opposing party, with filibustering, and blocking legislation at every turn, that debate on actual issues seems to be a foreign concept.
Its powers would remain largely the same as at present - as a revising chamber which can «improve» or delay plans passed by the government on the day in the Commons, but which can not actually block legislation.
«Even more troubling is her assertion that unilaterally blocking legislation with support from a majority of her members is the normal functioning of democratic process.
The explosions of frustration are quite something, whether he's riling at the «talentless hicks and hacks» who block his legislation (a phrase that will have tweaked Obama's attention), or reminding his cabinet that «Blood's been spilled to afford us this moment.
He conceded Pinkelton's point that there may not have been the votes in the House or Senate to block legislation preempting local ordinances.
Photo For years, politicians wanting to block legislation on have bolstered their arguments by pointing to the work of a handful of scientists who claim that greenhouse gases pose little risk to humanity.
Besides blocking legislation that enjoys majority support from coming to a vote, the filibuster lies at the heart of a number of disruptive and anti-democratic practices in the Senate, including the so - called «secret hold.»
Unions fought back, and after they failed to block legislation implementing Walker's plan, they tried to recall him in a special election.
It is absolutely true that America's oil and coal lobbies have consistently blocked legislation and mis - represented facts about global warming to the American people.
The Senate blocked the legislation from moving forward Monday night, but the issue may come back with spending bills in the fall.
As co-leaders of the Senate, Klein (pictured) and Dean Skelos (R - Nassau County) each have the power to block legislation from coming to the floor for a vote.
An effort to block the legislation in New York has been pushed in part by the Las Vegas culinary union, which is in a protracted dispute with Ultimate Fighting Championship, the sport's prominent MMA organizer and promoter.
«By blocking legislation they can do exactly what the Lib Dems are doing with this debate - blackmailing the government... to get their own way.»
Dorego testified that he did the favors out of fear that the elder Skelos would block legislation favorable to Glenwood, one of the state's biggest political donors.
With the president's party controlling the Senate by just one seat and the Senate holding not only the power to pass or block legislation, but also to confirm nominees to federal positions, including the Supreme Court, the race in Arizona to replace the departing Sen. Jeff Flake is one of several to watch this fall.
Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, Iceland's president, has created uproar with his decision to block legislation that would have repaid $ 3.9 bn ($ 5.6 bn) lost by British and Dutch savers in a failed Icelandic bank, triggering a referendum that the government is expected to lose.
Financial Times Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, Iceland's president, has created uproar with his decision to block legislation that would have repaid $ 3.9 bn ($ 5.6 bn) lost by British and Dutch savers in a failed Icelandic bank, triggering a referendum that the government is expected to lose.
VICTORIA — New Democrats are asking why Premier Christy Clark is blocking legislation that would protect animals in distress.
MEDIA RELEASE For Immediate Release May 12, 2016 Premier Clark participates in Animal Protection Day, but blocks animal protection legislation VICTORIA — New Democrats are asking why Premier Christy Clark is blocking legislation that would protect animals in distress.
With nine days remaining in the General Assembly's annual session, business groups made a last - minute push Monday to block legislation they characterize as a flurry of new mandates that would slow Connecticut's already fragile economy.
This means that any Senator can block legislation from consideration.
You have criticised the Government's vision for Brexit, you have challenged our objectives, you have threatened to block the legislation we put before Parliament.
The House appeared on track to pass a stopgap continuing resolution bill Thursday night, but Senate Democrats said they had enough votes to block the legislation in the upper chamber, raising the possibility that the current budget will expire without a replacement.
That means they can take money or salaries from companies that expect them to pass or block legislation or provide other favors in return.
The Republican Party in New York is in disarray — registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by two to one — so its main function in the Senate leadership is to block legislation, unless that legislation benefits special interests, particularly the state's powerful real estate lobby.
The groups released a series of reform suggestions that include streamlining the nomination process, eliminating the fillibuster on the motion to proceed, and require that those who want to block legislation or nominations take the floor in the chamber and actually speak (i.e. like something out of «Mr. Smith Goes To Washington»)
He has blocked legislation from coming to the floor that would end these tax loopholes.
Speaking to a crowd of around 100 GOP staffers and supporters (and a handful of curious tourists), Priebus said, «For too long now, Sen. Reid has run the Senate with an iron fist, blocking legislation that would help working families.»
Insiders say D'Amato, as a former Republican senator, has the clout to get calls returned 15 years after leaving office — some think his firm has the power to block legislation in some cases.
For years, Republicans have blocked legislation that would protect reproductive rights and end gender discrimination in pay.
RZA give Paul Ryan a plug, along with his Tea Party supporters in Congress, because they deserve to voted out for their obstructionist program and block any legislation that shows Pres. Obama cares about the Middle Class in America; and you have the nerve to call my post stupid.
Mandle, of Hamilton, said the Independent Democratic Conference has enabled Senate Republicans to stay in power and block legislation she supports, including public funding of elections, the women's equality agenda, the DREAM ACT and an increase in the minimum wage.
Burke believes the action by Republican legislators was also an effort to avoid negative publicity when they block the legislation from coming to a vote.
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