Sentences with phrase «to block the change»

One thing to note, however, is that salt blocks change as you cook with them.
«It will be for the party executive to decide whether it accepts the reforms proposed, but a party in such urgent need of reform blocks those changes at its peril.»
I risk being labeled as obsessed with radio, but audio seems like an excellent channel for citizen contributions, in this case ads to be run against Republicans blocking changes in Iraq War policy.
(Tsebelis 1995, 316) The House of Lords can act to block change from the status quo during the final year of a parliament, but it husbands its powers carefully, as it did when members withdrew their support for amendments last week.
Key figures who have previously been seen as potential obstacles to reform by the leadership, such as the party's deputy leader, Tom Watson, and Corbyn - sceptic unions, did not block the changes.
ah LinCA The school is in court fighting to block the change on employer plans and will drop the coverage if they loose.
«If there is a radical newcomer at the Inspectorate, ministers can no longer blame recalcitrant chiefs for blocking change.
Researchers were able to block this change by using a special chemical, Mdivi - 1.
Well the way Mike has planned the change to take effect, it will not do anything until at least 75 % of the network supports the big block changes.
Expecting too much blocks change as effectively as expecting too little.
The League One and Two clubs had initially blocked the change at a meeting at the end of April, but were told by the Premier League that the deal was a take - it - or - leave - it offer.
Maybe a Constitutional change that makes it unlawful to inhibit or block any changes brought forth by The Active Majority Will Of The American People?
Did @NYSenate leadership make deal with unions on bill blocking changes to police, fire retirees» health benefits?
Measure blocks changes to National Institutes of Health clinical trials policy and overhead payments, drops fetal tissue limits
The shift would likely require Congress to change a 2011 law, called the Budget Control Act, that imposes caps on domestic spending — but Democrats in the Senate have already said they would block any change unless it also includes spending increases for civilian programs.
«Government is organized to block change rather than advance it,» says Cerf.
Villaraigosa's support for a legal challenge to state tenure laws and his accusation that teacher unions blocked change while he was mayor, made the former Los Angeles union organizer a pariah to his old union, and to the statewide CTA, years ago.
«A big part of the problem is the board,» said Borelli, claiming members repeatedly blocked changes suggested by school leaders.
NAR technology policy representative Melanie Wyne, who also participated in the webcast, said industry groups, including NAR, expect to file a lawsuit blocking the change.
New Years where I am, so here's to a rebirth everywhere, and an end to the stupidity of ego blocking change.
Application Manager stops PUAs from changing your browser settings; the Self - Defense feature blocks changes to system memory and the Windows Registry, and the Network Attack Blocker monitors incoming traffic for malicious activity and blocks anything untoward.
At this point, where a better grasp of the internet and how to use it is held by all, is an anachronism that blocks the change necessary for our industry to continue to evolve.
In an email blast to supporters Paladino suggested New York State Senator Cathy Young and most of her «Republican colleagues from Long Island» are blocking a change in leadership.
I welcome this deathbed conversion to political reform from the man who has blocked change at almost every opportunity for the last twelve years.
Merrow's been around long enough to understand how tangled this all is and how we have constructed a system that blocks change from every direction.
«The best result for consumers will be if energy companies don't block the changes that Ofgem will propose,» he said.
Talk about a block change technology because he's literally worked on the code for like coins since 2011.
(13) Traditional psychotherapy is used when needed to resolve anxieties and inner conflicts that block change - producing use of the behavioral techniques.
Or that Donald Trump is going to block changes that they had expected Hillary Clinton to make.
Sometimes those opponents of Europe have won concessions and sometimes they have blocked change.
Some Lib Dem backbenchers had threatened to join forces with Labour in a bid to block the changes in Parliament.
To describe the legal recognition of humanist marriages as a «fringe» issue insults the many couples - much larger in number than these many small religious groups - whose planned marriages next year will not be able to go ahead if Number 10 blocks this change
Sturgeon, the first minister and SNP leader, has decided that consultation is not enough, and insists that her government or Holyrood should be given the legal power to block any changes they disagree with.
But it never happened after the DUP used a controversial veto mechanism to block any change to legislation.
Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg - whose party has long argued for electoral reform - welcomed Mr Brown's «deathbed conversion» to the cause «from the man who has blocked change at every opportunity for the last 12 years».
If Conservatives could get a majority of cross-bench peers to block changes to the electoral system, then it would at least impede the introduction of AV + for General Elections.
The left's further insistence upon the right of the Lords to block changes to tax credits as these were not included in the Conservative Party manifesto demonstrates little appreciation for the role of manifestos in general elections.
While Cuomo acknowledged that the state Senate had blocked changes in the campaign finance system, he was hopeful the chamber would soon come to a compromise on that issue and one of his other reform priorities, subjecting the Legislature to the Freedom of Information Law.
And Schneiderman, the attorney general, announced he would join a coalition of states in a lawsuit in an attempt to block the changes.
He said the society would go to court to try and block the change.
He added it was «great news» that Labour could unite after re-electing Jeremy Corbyn but «with a heavy heart» he would try to block the changes.
The Legal Aid Society and the Coalition for the Homless have already filed suit to block the change, prompting the Department of Homeless Services to postpone its implementation pending a court hearing.
Some Republicans are criticizing the defense increase as too small, and some Democrats have vowed to fight spending cuts and block any change to the 2011 law that does not increase nondefense spending.
If alignment matters to metastasis, «We want to know what causes the alignment shift, because then maybe we could block that change,» Eliceiri says.
Fortunately, producer Scott Rudin had final cut and sided with Garland, blocking any changes to its final act.
The teacher unions are extraordinarily powerful, they have a strong self - interest in resisting change, and they operate within a political structure that magnifies their power by making it easy for them to block change.
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