Sentences with phrase «to block the person»

He has come under fire from constituents and critics, including town board candidates, for blocking some people from the page.
They strictly monitor who uses the site, and you can easily block people who you don't want to talk to.
You always have the option of blocking the person on the website.
It's not clear to me that there is a distinction in accounts, but this allows them to create a distinction without blocking people with personal accounts from opening a business account.
By blocking people for what you «think» is a good reason — is just preventing great adopters from getting dogs they want and taking the easy route and buying a puppy.
I have the power to block people if I don't want them to see my page or any of my postings.
There is nothing easier than to stop communication or to block a person in case you are not satisfied with the flow of your conversation and future perspectives.
Quality services value their good members and many times will take the actions of blocking a person from contacting you or even canceling their membership.
In other words, your teen can not block another person's entrance into a building or keep them from crossing the street.
Usually, if there is a problem with one of the members, you will be able to file a complaint and the issue will be resolved by blocking the person from the site.
This will block the people whom you don't want approaching you.
Make your child aware of how to block the person online who is bullying them.
Otherwise, you can block the person form your phone and mail account.
I also really enjoy your little color block people up top... did you draw those yourself?
Instead, you should report abusive comments and block the person sending them.
One of the biggest stumbling blocks people encounter when they try to do their own marketing is that they don't know where to start.
Of course, for added protection, you can always use a Virtual Private Network to automatically block people online from finding out who or where you are.
Try blocking that person so they won't show up in your matches at all.
How do you demonstrate all these different skills, how can you break them up in small blocks people can remember?
However, if your account is public, you can only block people to prevent them from following you.
While you can block people on free sites, they tend to be a lot less safe than those you pay for.
I don't follow hundreds of people and will block people who send out 20 - tweets a day.
Your dating site should allow you to delete people from your contact list and to block people from access to your information.
If you are not interested in the person or you feel unsafe, you can ignore them and even block the person.
You have complete right and authority to add people in your profile and to block people whom you do not want to allow interfering in your life.
USA Patriot Act Search The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has issued a regulation requiring companies engaged in business transactions to compare the names of individuals, companies and countries against a specialty designated nationals and blocked persons list (SDN).
Last January, China also blocked people from using Virtual Private Networks (VPN)-- used to cheat servers into thinking that users are in another country — not their own — and thus allowing them to access websites banned at home.
At what point does blocking people's right to authentic representation for the sake of «what's best for the children» move from paternalism to outright discrimination?
«He will block people right out of the play, and they'll wonder what happened to them.»
Stetzer's essay summarized this perfectly when he said «Why block people from receiving the gospel by insisting that they accept our cultural eccentricities?»
You can still block people, and apps like Gmail block spam, but if you're in marketing, there's a good chance you can get the attention of the recipient.
The pressure to have a vision often blocks people who haven't quite figured out their «what's next.»
You need to know how to block people because you will see a small percentage of your audience, no matter what you are talking about, that will act inappropriately.
Ransomware is basically a form of malware that lets hackers block people from accessing their computer or related computer networks so that a hacker can demand payment in return for access.
Narcissism blocks a person from those experiences which rejuvenate trust.
So let's use these abominations to block peoples civil rights....
haha the first time a bloke has called me naughty, but hey your 6» 5, block peoples cars in, and know of words i never knew existed so i'll let it slide haha.
You can check the content of the SMSs and block the person harassing your kid.
The denial — which came in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco — means Trump's executive order blocking people from seven majority Muslim nations from traveling to the U.S. remains suspended — at least for now.
Blodgett said the GOP bill blocks people with Medicaid from accessing preventive care at Planned Parenthood health centers, including birth control and cancer screenings; undermines Essential Health Benefits standards, including maternity coverage; and imposes a nationwide ban on private insurance coverage of abortion.
But by tradition, Ohio election officials have expanded that ban, and regularly block people on the basis that they have recently voted in a party primary, or recently were on a political party committee.
Julio, you might consider blocking this person and deleting his comments.
If their profile says they are from Idaho and their email says something different, then block this person.
But the interesting thing with OKCupid is if the date goes south, you have the opportunity to block the person where they can't actually view your profile.
If someone is bothering you on a dating site, you can always block that person (meaning they can't contact you anymore) and flag the behavior to the site's administrators.
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