Sentences with phrase «to block the sale»

I agree that they shouldn't block the sale of books.
For instance, trying to block the sale of beer at baseball games.
I am sure Wenger would love to frustrate Klopp even further by blocking the sale of the Ox, but the situation could develop into a Walcottesque «sign Da Ting» situation during the next campaign while Chamberlain goes further into the new season without putting pen to paper, which is also possibility with Alex Sanchez if Wenger refuses to let the Chilean get his dream move to Man City....
And the courts are beginning to listen: recent success in blocking sales of Samsung's latest Galaxy tablet in most of Europe and Apple's challenges to the Korean giant in Australia reflect an aggressive effort to defend its top position in the red - hot mobile market from the runaway success of Android.
The exhibitor reiterates the the decision to block sales at 10 AMC locations was made by MoviePass, and accuses the company of making «false statements» about AMC.
The Supreme Court in 2011 dismissed any link between game violence and real violence when it ruled, 7 to 2, that California could not block the sale of violent games to kids.
The Spanish telco has been considering an IPO of its UK arm since regulators blocked a sale in 2016.
This and other items will be available at the Cornell Avenue block sale on June 2.
Similarly, the New Zealand government blocked the sale of a $ 1.4 - billion partial stake in the Auckland International Airport to the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board.
In September last year, President Trump's administration blocked the sale of US - based Lattice Semiconductor to Canyon Bridge Capital Partners, backed by China Venture Capital Fund over national security concerns.
VCs will almost always block a sale where they only make a 3 - 4x return on their investment.
In November, Treasurer Scott Morrison blocked the sale of Australia's most iconic cattle company, S. Kidman & Co., to a foreign buyer because one of Kidman's biggest ranches borders a weapons - testing range.
And LvG had since compensated Arsenal by selling Welbeck to us in return without blocking his sales to us rival club — Arsenal which we are still to Man Utd.
The NRA has opposed blocking the sale of bump stocks.
The plaintiffs» attorney, George Carpinello of Boies, Schiller & Flexner, said Tuesday evening he would «absolutely» appeal to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals — the same venue where he previously won a suit that blocked the State Liquor Authority from blocking the sale and marketing of Bad Frog Beer because its label depicted an amphibian giving the middle - finger salute.
Last month, the judge, Charles Troia, temporarily blocked the sale of Mount Manresa.
Federal legislative milestones that protect youngsters from conventional cigarettes — such as blocking sales to minors and preventing commercials targeted at adolescents — do not exist for e-cigarettes.
This is major blow to the Korean company as last week US District Judge Lucy Koh ordered blocking the sales of Samsung's Galaxy Nexus smartphone.
Writer Matt Fraction announced Tuesday on Twitter that Apple has officially blocked the sale of Image Comics ««Sex Criminals» # 2, via comiXology «s iOS app due to «objectionable» content «not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.»
Our Second Annual Block Sale is coming up soon.
Besides, whenever government reaches out a hand for housing or daycare or gun control, there isn't much evidence they could manage sun block sales in a summer nudist camp.
Apple has dealt a hammer blow to the hopes of Samsung in the tablet space by blocking the sale of the Galaxy 10.1 across the EU.
Amazon is not blocking sales of those books.
April 5 - The Chicago Stock Exchange said on Thursday it would be bought by NYSE - operator Intercontinental Exchange Inc for an undisclosed amount, a month - and - a-half after U.S. regulators blocked the sale of CHX to China - based investors.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has expressed his support in blocking the sale of new drilling and mining rights in the Arctic.
Amazon doesn't appear to be blocking sales of smart home products from companies other than Nest.
The Conservatives have rigged spectrum auctions, overruled regulators, rewritten foreign ownership requirements and blocked the sale of Mobilicity to Telus.
Now, with a majority interest in Skype slated to be sold to a collection of private investors, they're using their stake in Joltid to try to block the sale and recover millions of dollars in what they say are lost profits.
In the meanwhile, myriad high - profile news stories — from Industry Minister Tony Clement overruling the CRTC's ruling that Windmobile violated foreign ownership guidelines to the government's decision to block the sale of Potash Corp. to BHP Billiton — made clear why Canada's foreign investment guidelines must be updated.
The CEOs also felt the government should do what it can to block a sale to BHP Billiton, responding with a mean of 4.6.
The CEOs also tended to be more supportive toward the Canadian government's decision to block the sale of MDA than the New Zealand government's quashing of the CPP deal.
When asked recently in a Compas Inc. poll whether the Canadian government should step in to block the sale of the nation's largest fertilizer company to Sinochem, CEOs agreed strongly, with a mean of 5.7 on a seven - point scale.
U.S. moves to block sales by Chinese telecom companies Chinese social media site reverses gay content ban after uproar
The U.S. Congress wants to block the sale of about 200 planes to Iran Air.
Any damages that Retrophin is forced to pay to Su or Huang in the Schwab Action, whether through settlement or final judgment, and all attorneys» fees and costs incurred by Retrophin in defending the Schwab Action, are due to Shkreli's decision to block the sale of Su and Huang's shares for his own benefit and without consulting with Retrophin's Board.9
In November it blocked the sale of 24 slots at Newark airport to United, already its biggest operator.
For the second time in two years, lawmakers are attempting to block the sale of F - 35 Joint Strike Fighters to Turkey.
The Trump administration's recent move to slap 219 percent tariffs on Canadian jetliners to block a sale to Delta have reinforced Canada's view that the courts are needed to restrain U.S. measures.
My friend couldn't understand why his board was blocking the sale.
Touring Woolworths» newly - refurbished supermarket at Marrickville in Sydney's inner west on Thursday morning, Mr Banducci was visibly disappointed by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's decision to block the sale to BP on the grounds it would likely substantially lessen competition and drive up fuel prices.
The ruling is contentious as it overrules the ACCC's decision in March to block the sale and has huge implications for billions of dollars in upcoming asset sale programs.
Yet Abbott was more circumspect, despite being under increasing pressure from his National party colleagues to put a stricter test around the definition of the «national interest» and to block the sale of Australian agribusiness GrainCorp to the US multinational Archer Daniel Midland.
All I can remember is paper rumors which nothing materialized from, this to me is not proof that Wenger has been blocking sales but just media rumors to get clicks or sell papers.
In his testimony before the Senate Homeland Security Committee this morning following the arrest of the Times Square bomb plot suspect, Mayor Bloomberg is urging lawmakers to close the so - called «terror gap» to give the FBI the power to block the sale of guns and explosives to people on watch lists.
County lawmakers voted narrowly Monday to be the first in New York to block the sale of tobacco products in any retail stores that also contain licensed pharmacies — a ban that survived the supermarket industry's efforts to stamp it out.
Albany County lawmakers voted narrowly to be the first in New York to block the sale of tobacco products in any retail stores that also contain licensed pharmacies — a ban that survived the supermarket industry's efforts to stamp it out.
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