Sentences with phrase «to boggle one's mind»

It just boggles my mind how fast people go «OMZG» «amazing».
«From getting straight D's in middle school to getting almost all A's and a few B's in high school, and then being able to really work at a NASA summer internship and get into Cornell University — it still boggles my mind how I got from there to here.
In Rome the Galleria of the Vatican displayed earth - bound Papal wealth while in Florence the Corridoio Vasariano was (and is) a splendid overground gallery linking the Pitti with Uffizi, designed to display Medici art with the intention of boggling the minds of visiting ambassadors and supplicants.
It really boggles my mind why everyone doesn't want this?
It still boggles the mind as to why Amazon won't adopt compatibility with the epub format and Adobe DRM.
It truly boggles the mind how many Free MMOFPS are available on the web these days!
Sometimes, it does boggle the mind how does something jive with another — you would never in a million years thought that Wii games might end up being ported over to the Android platform, would you?
It has ALWAYS BOGGLED MY MIND as to why peeps would rather shop for kitties and doggies than go to the local shelter or rescue and adopt.
It truly boggles the mind at how so many of my fellow human beings can be so utterly stupid and infantile in thought!
Professional resume writers do so much research and typically have such a vast degree of personal insight on the career fields they serve, it just boggles my mind when a client cites the opinions of those whose only purpose of espousing said opinion is in the off chance someone may actually take them seriously.
It does boggle the mind in the face of our knowledge that the level of CO2 has been steadily falling that human CO2 emissions are not universally acclaimed as a miracle of salvation.
Japan is an amazing country with a unique coexistence between the old and the new that sometimes boggles the mind of a foreigner.
This just absolutely boggles my mind that they (apparently the «republicans» - most predominantly the «tea partiers» or radical «Christian right») would literally be willing to shut down the government because of wanting to push their «policy agenda» vs. funding the government.
You could argue that the Jaguar is better - looking and more powerful than the more tech - savvy BMW, but the fact that the midengined Porsche is the better value simply boggles the mind.
Better quality and cheaper services like Shonen Jump (which frankly still boggles my mind with how great and affordable it is) I think are going to do a lot more to really change scanlation readers into actual supporters of the medium.
It often boggles my mind to the point of pickling how some people will do anything — steal, copy, act duplicitously, even machinate to make another person look terrible — just so that they can tell themselves they've won.
Wonder what she's so happy about??? Boggles the mind really lol #futureawesomeadultsclub but I digress.
The 3 Series option list boggles the mind.
It kind of boggles my mind too Thanks so much!!
Why Christians are so resistant to leaving the modern age boggles my mind for this very reason.
I purchased 2 Gold Bookshelves (currently on sale) last year, one to go on each side of the Tufted Sofa, it still boggles my mind on how perfect they fit.
And it has rightfully boggled the minds of many critics, currently standing at
Why he, and other politicians or former politicians, haven't backed up to see this picture before boggles my mind.
What completely boggles my mind is that the Kindle Oasis says its going to retail for $ 999 Canadian.
As a bookseller it honestly boggles my mind that comics are so hard to get a hold of.
The pure ignorance of people on this blog boggles my mind..
Niels Bohr, one of its founders, told a young colleague, «If it does not boggle your mind, you understand....
Yes to the teaching about religions, though the dangers there boggle the mind.
How on earth one knows what to wear for an event of this sort boggles the mind — but you are PERFECTLY dressed for this occasion.
I enjoy reading all of this blog, and it has stopped me from boggling my mind about a few things.
Aside from the obvious difference that humans are not altering the nitrogen concentration of the atmosphere, as they are with (several) greenhouse gases, such a question boggles the mind in terms of the mindset that must exist to ask it in a public congressional hearing in the first place.
But the «invisible investment» parts boggle my mind.
We are still living in the dark ages and the fact that this propaganda is still being pushed boggles the mind.
(The fact that people think the Bible doesn't have any complex concepts or might be hard to understand in places boggles my mind — even the Bible says scripture is complicated and misunderstood — 2 Peter 3:16 - 16.)
The desire to put up symbols of 2000 yr old Roman torture devices boggles the mind... Can we also put little murals of Dachau and maybe some iron maidens on the wall?
The cognitive dissonance wrought by this and other answers boggled my mind.
Even better, how one group of nutcases can think (and * believe * it is obvious) that their holy ramblings are better than another group's religious ramblings boggles the mind, any mind!
Just boggles my mind because I grew up starting after labor day.
And, the number of people who think a grocery store rotisserie chicken is the same as a true slow - roasted chicken boggles my mind.
So many names are bandied up that it actually boggles the mind whether Mr Wenger really wants to enter again in the transfer Market.
I totally get taking pictures of yourself in front of famous landmarks, or taking selfies with your friends or family, but individual selfies accompanied only by your coffee cup boggle my mind.
The figures boggled my mind, and worse still, threatened my checkbook!
Before having a child, the idea of sleep training would have surely boggled my mind.
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