Sentences with phrase «to boost charter schools»

In the upcoming session, Cuomo has already hinted at a robust education agenda that includes further strengthening teacher evaluations and boosting the charter school sector.
Boosts charter school accountability by strengthening their authorization process and evaluating their effect on student achievement, families, and communities.
Senate Republicans, meanwhile, have passed multiple mayoral control bills that all include provisions boosting charter schools.
Bloomberg has just three years left on his mayoral term, and the focus is expected to stay on items such as boosting charter schools and working toward accountability measures.
Failure to meet expectations for student academic performance, as measured by SAT scores and high - school dropout rates, also fuels the passage of charter laws, leads to the passage of stronger charter laws, contributes to the creation of charter schools, and boosts charter school enrollment.
In the long term, Governor Gray Davis will be recognized not for lifting school funding from less than $ 5,000 to more than $ 7,000 per child; not for boosting charter schools from 150 to 432; and not for the massive teacher development and curriculum programs.
The Walton Family Foundation is looking to boost charter schools around the country with a $ 250 million initiative aimed at helping charters secure facilities.
The Colorado Education Association tries to use that to their advantage in opposing a bill that would boost charter school funding there.
National data suggests that efforts to boost charter school teacher retention may be starting to pay off.
He shares Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos» full - throated support for school choice, having championed legislation boosting charter schools and tax - credit scholarships while in South Carolina.
Since he made those comments during an interview with the Daily News editorial board, Cuomo has reiterated his intentions to battle unions over education reforms, most recently with a letter he sent to state education officials outlining what appeared to be his second - term schools agenda, including questions about firing teachers, extending the probationary period before tenure and boosting the charter school sector.
Boost charter school accountability by strengthening their authorization process and evaluating their effect on student achievement, families, and communities.
New York State United Teachers, a union that remains powerful by virtue of its 600,000 members regardless of its losses in the recent election cycle, denounced Cuomo's letter on Thursday, arguing that his apparent priorities — strengthening teacher evaluations, lengthening the probationary period before teachers may get tenure and boosting charter schools — are handouts to pro-charter billionaire hedge funders who give generously to his campaigns.
Those groups would like to scrap the Common Core as part of a reform agenda that would also target teacher tenure and boost charter schools and voucher systems.
Upset with a state Senate Republican budget plan to boost charter schools, the powerful city and state teachers union bombarded GOP senators last week with nearly 20,000 faxes and 1,500 phone calls warning the plan would damage neighborhood public schools.
Legislators and officials familiar with the talks said that Heastie refused to entertain any actions that would boost charter schools, having felt he already conceded to the sector during April budget talks.
But sources close to the charter school advocacy sector said the group was no longer getting policy results from the costly rallies, all of which have sought to boost charter schools and critique de Blasio.
Led by New York State United Teachers, the primary opponent of Cuomo's plans to overhaul the state's teacher evaluation system and tenure laws and boost charter schools, protesters arrived from around the state in 15 buses as well as by car from local school districts.
Cuomo has led a recent push to boost charter schools, including negotiating changes in the state budget that particularly benefit Success Academy charters.
Upset with a state Senate Republican budget plan to boost charter schools, the powerful city and state teachers union bombarded GOP senators last week with nearly 20,000 faxes and 1,500 phone calls warning the plan would damage neighborhood public schools, a city United Federation of Teachers spokeswoman said.
«Hunt foundation donates 12 million to CREEED to boost charter schools, teacher education.»
But in a year when preliminary budget numbers call for a per - student spending increase of 3 percent, or roughly $ 73 million, some lawmakers say it's the wrong time to boost charter schools, which enroll one out of every 10 Utah public education students.
«TFA uses its vast political influence to boost charter schools and drive down teacher pay.»
But sources close to the charter school advocacy sector said the group was no longer getting policy results from the costly rallies, all of which have sought to boost charter schools and critique de Blasio.
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