Sentences with phrase «to breastfeed for»

The benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months for both the mother and the baby was new information to most men and led to interactive discussions to develop supportive strategies.
The benefits of breastfeeding for at least the first year of life are numerous to mother and child.
Studies have also shown a link between developing asthma for those children who were not exclusively breastfed for at least 4 months.
These mothers, nonetheless, had significantly higher odds of exclusively breastfeeding for at least 3 months and for 6 months compared to those who did not strongly value exclusive breastfeeding.
This is especially true for women who breastfeed for longer than one year.
How do you encourage baby to continue breastfeeding for as long as possible?
If you're not supplementing your child for medical reasons, experts recommend breastfeeding for at least one month before starting formula.
I exclusively breastfed for about 4 months and then I had to supplement with formula.
I hope you feel able to continue breastfeeding for as long as you and your son want to.
Women who breastfeed for more than 1 year will see the most benefit.
Other benefits of breastfeeding for mothers include protection against some types of cancers and osteoporosis.
I personally do not believe that babies should be exclusively breastfed for more than 6 months.
The benefits of extended breastfeeding for baby include a boosted immunity, improved health, and balanced nutrition.
At the very least, we recommend that all women breastfeed for at least the first year of their baby's life.
She has been helping moms and babies with breastfeeding for over 25 years.
However, one of the largest studies carried out indicates that children that only breastfeed for at least 4 months have a lower risk of developing asthma and eczema during their first four years.
And if you end up needing to stop breastfeeding for whatever reason, it's OK.
You can keep on breastfeeding for as long as you and your child wish.
I personally struggled with breastfeeding for over 6 months.
Did you know that most recommend breastfeeding for up to 2 years?
So relax in the knowledge that you can both continue to enjoy the benefits of breastfeeding for many months to come.
Now that you have stopped breastfeeding for whatever reason, you are ready to restart the process.
Try spending the next few days just breastfeeding for food and for comfort.
When researchers looked at the raw data, they saw that children breastfed for at least six months displayed better outcomes in all 13 developmental areas measured.
Exclusive breastfeeding for infants up to 6 months should be protected and promoted and breastfeeding should continue together with appropriate complementary foods preferably until two years of age as feasible.
Major props for breastfeeding for almost nine months, because that's no small feat.
There are health benefits of extended breastfeeding for mom and baby.
What brings a mother to decide to continue breastfeeding for so long past the societal norm?
Unfortunately, mothers have struggled with the social stigma surrounding public breastfeeding for years.
These caveats aside, is there any research to support extended breastfeeding for the sake of my child's health?
They are the reason that many cultures successfully breastfeed for long periods of time.
This study now shows strong protection for mothers breastfeeding for months after delivery, with a possible reduced risk of type 2 diabetes by up to a half as they get older.
It's also true that some hospitals and physicians do not promote breastfeeding for premature babies, since these infants tend to gain weight more quickly with formula.
Let your baby breastfeed for several days to establish your milk supply.
If you want to breastfeed an adopted child, you have a true low milk supply, or you decide to give your baby a bottle, you can still breastfeed for comfort.
For this reason, it is normal for new moms to experience sore nipples from breastfeeding for up to the first two weeks.
Also, this study found evidence that the first asthma - related symptoms occur earlier in life if children were breastfed for shorter lengths of time or not exclusively.
But what happens if breastfeeding for you and your baby really does not work out.
The findings suggest women may be able to reduce their risk of heart disease by breastfeeding for at least six months per pregnancy.
It is completely safe to try to lose baby fat after pregnancy while breastfeeding for as long as you do not turn to anything that's unhealthy for you or your baby.
Of course, in some cases, mom needs to stop breastfeeding for medical reasons, but that is a special case.
A friend recently asked me about my own experiences with breastfeeding for natural pregnancy spacing.
Shortly after my daughter was born, while still in the hospital, I changed my mind and tried breastfeeding for the first time.

Phrases with «to breastfeed for»

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