Sentences with phrase «to bring something about»

But although scientists know this chemistry found in plants is helpful to humans, they do not fully understand how it works or know how to bring it about in a lab.
But if anything can help bring it about, forests might.
But our ancestors, who brought it about, didn't actually see themselves as proponents of a new religion.
These cases cause doctors to scratch their heads in wonder at what brought them about.
For example, it's seldom that a doll escapes getting a haircut or getting a makeover with markers, but mentioning it to your toddler is sure to bring it about sooner.
These days, many people do a good job talking about diversity, but not as good a job at bringing it about.
It not only tells us what our future is, but actually brings it about.
After menopause, however, women's scores for tests of initial learning and retrieval of information dropped, bringing them about equal with age - matched men.
I can help you defeat the «crazy cycle» and respond to the fear signals that often bring it about.
Certainly those were extraordinary images and wonderful times, a lifetime marker for the generations that helped bring it about or watched it happen.
I hope and believe that this outcome will be reversed in due course, but those who brought it about will stand condemned by history.
The Hualong One reactor design has passed its design certification by the National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) and has now been launched with some fanfare by the National Energy Administration (NEA) which brought it about by high - level edict.
This is the assembling of the believers to us, fellowship time together anytime God brings it about realizing God is within us and we are the Church.
Of course even if God brings it about by a free act of will that the world exists, we might still, in a sense, regard the world as God's body.
Rather, its conception of socialism is more about bringing it about through grassroots activism.
In the U.S., Domino's Pizza paid $ 20,000 for a campaign spread across New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles last summer, which it estimates brought it about $ 1 million worth of publicity.Check out one of the Dominos images below, and see many other examples of GreenGraffiti's work here.
(8) But since God can not bring it about that P go right with respect to A if P is significantly free with respect to A, if God knows that P will go wrong with respect to A if actualized and made free with respect to A, then God can not actualize a world in which P is made free with respect to A and performs the right action although this latter state of affairs is itself consistent (possible).
This is the work of nations, but such goals require pressure from ordinary citizens if there is to be any hope of bringing them about in the face of opposing political and economic interests.
In this case, the fatal outcome is attributable to the aggressor whose actions brought it about, even though he may not be morally responsible because of a lack of the use of reason.»
God can not unilaterally bring it about that events in nature be perfectly correlated with the needs of specific humans.
The question, instead is just this: can God now bring it about that Miss X is a virgin — i.e., that she is not now and never has been a fallen woman?
If we really wanted such a world, mechanisms to bring it about exist, or could be fashioned by innovative economists.
Somehow people were under the impression that radical change was just around the corner, or potentially just around the corner, and some decisive actions could bring it about relatively quickly if not easily.
(If this profile brings you about 100 usd a day, will you want to kill this hen, who lay gold eggs?).
Jolie may very well not be conscious of the larger implications of her work, or the influences that even bring it about, but it is impossible not to see Unbroken in the context of official US efforts on the «human rights» and other fronts.
Sally brought us about a dozen new paintings which she has been working on to unveil at the gallery for the summer.
If one tries to prolong them, recapture them or bring them about wilfully their purity and freshness is lost.
The world of animals, and plants, and bugs, is so full of the most unlikely lifestyles that claiming macro-evolution brought it all about is quite a claim.
The secretary kicked off natural gas day at the CERAWeek conference with a robust affirmation of the benefits of the American energy renaissance before a room filled with people largely responsible for bringing it about.
Bringing them about requires good leadership and sound management practices, such as the vision to identify opportunities and direction, financial insight, appropriate interpersonal and communicative skills, the willingness of lawyer management to share authority, and the empowerment of other lawyers and key management personnel.
Even if a superintelligence had agreeable goals, like making human beings smile, it could bring them about in disagreeable ways — «manipulating facial nerves» to make us smile all the time.
Canon Giles Goddard, board member of Operation Noah said: «The need for change is urgent and everyone can help bring it about.
But this kind of synthesis, we must note, remains fragile in two respects: firstly, because the coincidence which brought it about is in the nature of things temporary and accidental; secondly, and above all, because elements brought together under the compulsion of necessity or fear cohere only outwardly and on the surface.
The school says it will not pay Bruce for the final two years of his contract, which would have brought him about $ 90,000 annually.
How can we then think of world peace and non-violence and of the ways of bringing them about?
ING - Diba economist Carsten Brzeski noted wryly that the only thing that could bring it about sooner is the kind of fiscal stimulus in places like Italy and Greece that Berlin has been fighting against tooth - and - nail.
This has been a political charade and the man who brought it about is the big loser — Dirty John Flanagan!
The judge's 72 - page decision barely addressed civil - rights lawyers» arguments that the state constitution outlaws all school segregation, regardless of whether government action brought it about.
Alongside national leadership by governments, as described above, the breastfeeding support charities, relevant royal colleges and other similar professional bodies, campaigning organisations and interested individuals can both amplify calls for change and help to bring it about by collaborating.
Plus, how could Gelbspan have possibly known with any certainty that the topic of funding would even be brought up, since scientific conclusions ought to stand on their own merits regardless of what brought them about?
He brought me about 10 sheets.
In total it brings me about GBP 20k a year after tax without taking into account the cryptocurrencies.
Believing you want world peace is useless rhetoric when compared to actively trying to bring it about.
(6) God can not make a person (P) significantly free with respect to an action (A) and yet causally determine or bring it about that P go right with respect to A — i.e., to create creatures capable of moral good, God must create creatures capable of moral evil.
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