Sentences with phrase «to bring something to one's attention»

I absolutely love this recipe, thanks for bringing it to my attention.
If you think there is an error in the information, please bring it to our attention so that we can correct it.
If you think there is russian dating site pictures best of error in the information, please bring it to our attention so that we can correct it.
He DID bring it to the attention of his chain of command and they failed him.
A lot of the hesitation I had with cloth diapering when my wife first brought it to my attention was the cost.
In time, ironically, my efforts to promote myself via social media is what brought me to the attention of a publisher.
Someone brought it to my attention the other day, and I just had to smile because of how completely fitting it is.
The only way the online dating service found this out was another member bringing it to their attention.
He acknowledges a similar strain running through his own material too, but mostly when someone else in the group brings it to his attention.
He says by the time the permanent secretary brought it to his attention he already knew about it.
The ability of garlic to improve immune function has also brought it to the attention of cancer researchers.
Thankfully, this third entry to the series brought it to the attention of the general public.
Her exceptional voice brought her to the attention of the music industry.
Her employer calculated her vacation time the same way for over 20 years in a way the union should have known about, but never brought it to the attention of the employer.
If it continues happening, I would have no problem bringing it to the attention of my supervisor.
I've removed it from the list, thanks for bringing it to my attention.
We regret the error and thank the readers who brought it to our attention.
If it's longer than that, the please bring it to our attention so we can look into the situation for you.
If you have hard evidence that disputes evolution, by all means please bring it to our attention.
If you have questions or concerns about any of these policies and procedures or regarding our potential interactions on the Internet, do bring them to my attention so that we can discuss them.
You helped in bringing her to the attention of the rest of the world.
Next up was New Zealand - based studio Aurora44's Ashen, which brought us to attention when it was announced at E3 2015.
-LSB-...] just bringing it to your attention because if you are a lover of the muslin swaddler, you might try making yourself a front carrier.
I'm just bringing it to your attention because if you are a lover of the muslin swaddler, you might try making yourself a front carrier.
By the way, you say you agree with my main point, and you praise the forms provided by M&Z, but you have never mentioned the Bill of Rights form that I created and that has now been up at my website for over 8 months, despite my having brought it to your attention more than once.
I held off on bringing it to your attention until most recently, when the discount came back:
10:35 am — IFC — Barton Fink One of the Coen Brothers» most brilliant dark comedies (heh, I think I say that about all of their dark comedies, though), Barton Fink follows its title character, a New York playwright whose hit play brings him to the attention of Hollywood, where he goes to work for the movies.
Rashid Johnson, a conceptual art star born in 1977, helped to reignite Gilliam's career by bringing him to the attention of his Los Angeles dealer, David Kordansky, who recently showcased Gilliam's work at the renowned Frieze Masters fair in London in 2015.
It's quite impossible for me to separate the movie from it's ink and paper sibling, which has been the object of my geeky affections since my little brother brought it to my attention a few years back (right around volume 4), but quite frankly, judging by a majority of the reviews, at least a passing familiarity with the comic and video game culture is apparently essential to actually getting the point.
This time, it was a group of aurora watchers in Canada that first identified and photographed Steve, before bringing it to the attention of scientists after a symposium in 2016.
I feel bad when a legal marketer brings something to my attention with obvious pride in what they've done, only to find myself disagreeing.
The homeowner at the intersection of Goodrich Road and Tonawanda Creek Road had his concerns addressed soon after bringing them to the attention of the Clarence Town Board and Legislator Rath.
After Peter brings it to the attention of his superiors (Paul Bettany and Kevin Spacey) and the firm's higher - ups are called back into the office, he watches on in amazement as they come up with a plan to keep the firm afloat without anyone having to surrender their big bonuses; even if it means single - handedly destroying the stock market in the process.
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